If you have been playing along at home and you read Simple Hacks To Help You Build New Habits, you are now on your way to get the new habits formed. And, if you are blogging away with us in the Ultimate Blog Challenge, you are into your 3rd day of the new habit! Great […]
Simple Hacks To Help You Build New Habits
Continuing from yesterday’s post title, 3 Steps to Creating New Habits, we are going to be talking about some simple hacks to help you build new habits. Creating new habits isn’t easy. Here are six simple hacks that will make it a little easier. Use them until you’ve internalized the new habit and don’t need them […]
3 Steps to Creating New Habits
On a ‘technical’ site like Digital Maestro, it may seem odd to talk about “3 Steps to Creating New Habits.” However, today starts the October 2019 Ultimate Blog Challenge where I will be blogging 31 times during October. So, creating a new habit is near and dear to me! Forming habits occur all the time […]
How do you check your spam folder on Gmail?
Are you using Gmail as your email provider? Or, maybe you are using Gmail to read your email (like I do). Recently, it seems that the folks at Google have changed up some of their rules when it comes to getting your email sent into your inbox. A lot of mail has been ending up […]
Getting Referrals – Paul On The Porch
In today’s episode of Paul On The Porch, I talk about the importance of Referrals for your business. How do you get referrals? Do you ask for them? Do you NOT ask? Do you feel it is an imposition on your friends, family, and clients? Leave a comment below and let me know.