Have you ever wanted to be highly successful? There is no secret formula. There is just hard work and motivation. If you KEEP trying at your goal… If you put in the work every single day…. If you are single minded in your determination and you DO NOT GIVE UP… then eventually you will be […]
Business Building
Why You Need Relationship Marketing in Your Marketing Plan
Business owners everywhere incorporate marketing tactics every week and every month to tell the world about their mission and their products or services. Without marketing and without millions of dollars in your advertising budget, not a single soul would know you have a business, never mind want to make a purchase with you. Why? Because […]
Stretch Yourself Challenge
I have been busy this month of September. Actually, it is amazing to me that it is already September! It is almost clichè at this point to say it… 2020 has been a heck of a year! It seems on one hand that a blink ago it was March. On the other hand, it seems […]
How to Get Current Customers to Refer You to Others
According to current marketing wisdom, one unhappy customer will tell 7 other people about their bad experience with a product or business. A happy customer will only tell 1 other person about their great experience. How can you beat these odds to get more of your satisfied customers to spread the word about your products […]
5 Ways To Be More Productive
For me, there are many times when I am just going along doing what I need to do, and then I find myself “in the zone.” My productivity is soaring and I am getting a lot accomplished. Ever been there? It was as if an internal switch was flip and I was getting things done […]