Happy Halloween (well, here in the States it is Halloween!)
This is typically a scary day of witches, goblins, and whatever the latest 2019 hot craze for costumes is. However, there is no need to be scared about your website.
First some news…
A major vulnerability in the Broken Link Checker plugin that is used to report any broken links has been reported.
The bottom line is that this was brought to the attention of the developers and they are no longer going to be maintaining the plugin (ie., they will not fix the issue!)
To leave the plugin on your website would be cause for alarm is would be VERY SCARY indeed.
In order to keep your site safe, you should REMOVE this plugin and search for another alternative. One solution that I know of is, the website, http://brokenlinkcheck.com/ – it is not as convenient as the plugin, however, it will get the job done of identifying broken links on your website – well, most of them, at least.
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I was glad I did not have this but it is definitely good to know of such news about plugins we might be using…
Sure thing. Keep in mind this is just one plugin – make sure all your other plugins are still good, Vidya.
Thanks for the public service message Paul! I checked and I don’t have any broken link checker, I’ll have to check out the link you shared. Thanks and Happy Halloween!!
Good News, Martha!