According to current marketing wisdom, one unhappy customer will tell 7 other people about their bad experience with a product or business. A happy customer will only tell 1 other person about their great experience. How can you beat these odds to get more of your satisfied customers to spread the word about your products […]
Boost Your Positive Thinking – Part 2
Keeping in line with yesterday’s thoughts on Boost Your Positive Thinking, I wanted to continue since I had a couple of phone calls today with people that are just down and out with the state of affairs in the world today. I always enjoy a GOOD conversation, one that makes me think as opposed to […]
July 2020 Ultimate Blog Challenge: We start today!
We have completed what feels like the longest first-half of a year EVER! It feels like that for me, at least. How have you been holding up? With the start of the second half of the year and the start of a new quarter, we once again start up another round of the Ultimate Blog Challenge! […]
5 Ways To Be More Productive
For me, there are many times when I am just going along doing what I need to do, and then I find myself “in the zone.” My productivity is soaring and I am getting a lot accomplished. Ever been there? It was as if an internal switch was flip and I was getting things done […]
Business Advice
I belong to a great group that I have discussed previously (although maybe not recently). WPMU Dev is a great resource that I use and I recommend them in a heartbeat. It is well worth the cost (for me) and I have been a member since 2011 (I think)! Check them out, if you want […]