As mentioned in the previous post, SEO: A Beginner’s Guide, SEO is the art of getting your web content highly optimized so that Google “likes” it. So how do we optimize your website? 2 very important ways are On-Page SEO & Off-Page SEO.
These two types of optimization techniques (also known as On-Page optimization and Off-Page optimization) help you get ranked in the search engines. On-Page optimization deals with the things you can tweak and modify on your own website to make it more relevant to Google searches.
Off-Page optimization deals with interactions with websites outside of your own. This could be in the form of getting backlinks or social interactions, which we will go into more detail about later.
SEO trends are constantly evolving. That is because people are constantly finding ways to exploit SEO and make their websites on top of the search ranks. But Google is a smart company, and they have a team that constantly evolves Google’s algorithm to make sure that searches remain relevant and not bring spam sites in front.
People who exploit SEO in the wrong way are called “Black hat SEO” artists and their practices should be avoided at all costs. That being said, let’s dwell deeper into SEO the right way and how we can start applying it to our businesses immediately!
On-Page SEO
As mentioned earlier, on-page SEO optimization deals with the things you can edit on your own website to make your web content more likable by Google.
The first thing you must know is keywords. In short, every page should have about 2-5% keywords density. So sprinkle your keywords where it’s due but don’t overdo it.
For total optimization, keywords or key phrases should be present in the titles of blog posts, the first sentence of the first paragraph, and also at least once in the body.
Keywords should also be bolded or italicized every now and then. Links should be worded with anchor text links (keywords and phrases).
Also, onsite linkages is highly recommended. Meaning, you should link blog posts and pages together if they are relevant. These small steps contribute to SEO and should be applied when convenient.
One more thing about on-site SEO, people say that images don’t contribute to SEO. I beg to differ. Images should be given alternate texts or descriptions. You can also link images to blog posts.
Stick to these good practices and you’ll be on your own to free traffic,
Off-Page SEO
Off-page optimization deals with the stuff outside your website that can contribute to SEO. One of the main components of off-page optimization is getting backlinks. Backlinks is one of the main components of offsite optimization.
A backlink is basically someone else’s website linking to you. Obviously, pages with higher page rank that link back to you give more Google Juice. The key is to get as many high page rank, RELEVANT websites linking back to you.
Quality over quantity, ’nuff said. So it would be a good idea to scout around your competitors’ websites and request a link exchange.
Another important component is social interactions. As I said, Google’s algorithm changes from time to time, and recently they implemented a new ruling that social interactions are important for SEO. This could be things like sharing on Facebook, Twitter, comments, etc.
The world is connected to everywhere now, not a stand-alone component.
Knowing how you can implement both On-Page and Off-Page SEO techniques, which ones do you need to work on for your website? Leave a comment below and share your ideas on how you will be doing that!
If you really want some power, check out the WordPress Plugin, SEOPressor!
I read these things all the time, Paul.
The problem- it’s really not, since I don’t do anything about it, so I have no right to call it such- is that this concept would require me to determine what key words I want to stress. Which I really don’t.
So, I’ll keep blithely going on going on. And hope that my content wins my potential clients over.
Content is always King, Roy! SEO is only good for organic traffic. If you are not concerned with it because you have other traffic sources, then one does not need to spend the time on it! And there is nothing wrong with that! (Heck – I don;t mow my lawn anymore… I get someone else to do it! It is all about priorities!)
I’ll be the first to admit that I’m often lax with my SEO. But I also get that SEO, like blogging, is playing the LONG game. Results (i.e. clients) don’t happen overnight.
I am happy to report that at least SOME of my efforts have paid off – I have a new client that found me through Google.
Excellent! Yes, Kim, it *IS* a long game! I just wrote about that in the next post! SEO Domination
I am still trying to get the hang of using keywords without sounding awkward. And I don’t think I often remember what you said about the first sentence of the first paragraph, so thanks for the reminder!
Happy to help out, Jeanine!
Paul, great points! I’m doing most of these things, so I guess I’m doing better with courting SEO than I thought. Yay!
Awesome job, Kebba!
Its a amazing post on SEO optimization. yes you are right sir, Google algorithms getting change day to day. content, backlinks and social is the important factors for today’s SEO. Black hat work is completely ignore by search engines. If we do any work without the guideline then the spider harms our website. Thank you Paul
Thanks for sharing this, Mr. Singh. When Google changes their algorithms, you can never know what to expect! All keep learning!
Great!Vey informative for SEO beginners.
Thanks! let me knowif you have any questions, Shara!
You have written some good points here about what are New SEO Tips & Tricks
After Google Penguin Update but one thing i found here is Website structure and
search engine friendly url’s are definitely always a plus.
Structure always helps! When the search engines can navigate through your site easily, you get better results.
Thanks paul,its an awesome post for seo learners
Glad it helped, Ziaur!
Hi Paul, I read your post and I found some wrong information about linking on keywords. I don’t think its a good idea about linking with keywords. It may refer that other page is batter than yours with same keywords.
I have a request also can you explain about benefits of Bolded/italic keyword?
Technically, each page should have different keywords so you are NOT competing with your own site.
Bolding and Italicizing keywords is an indicator to the search engines that these words have significance.
It’s very helpful, thank you
You are welcome.
Nice Post. Thanks for sharing with us
You are welcome.
Hello Paul,
It is a great article, every time google change something related to algorithm, content, and various tools, now we have some tools to check every digital marketing services. You are Content is always a king whenever it is a blog or a Website. Now everyone uses the same technique to add links in Keywords. With this, we can also get Backlinks.
Yes – depending on how deep you want to analyze things, there are various tools to help out.