You can only get so far by doing it all yourself.
Whether you’re remodeling your home or repairing your car, DIY’ing it isn’t always the best approach. Digital marketing is no exception: You can run an in-house operation for a while, but not forever.
Your business’s future and success are dependent on your ability to reach out to potential customers, attract and engage them, and convert them into paying customers. Without digital marketing, this is extremely difficult, if not impossible.
So, what are some signs it’s time to chat with a digital agency?
If your digital marketing efforts aren’t delivering the results you’d hoped for, it may be time to hire an agency. Other signs that you should hire a digital marketing agency include:
1. It’s Just Isn’t Working Out
When you first started your business, you had to do everything yourself or with a small team. It worked for a while: you came up with great ideas, generated leads, and increased your sales. Then something strange happened: website traffic slowed, leads dried up… Whatever got you this far has broken down.
At this point, you need new ideas and new people to help you come up with and carry out a plan that will get you the results you want. This is another sign to consider hiring a digital marketing agency to help you take your business to the next level
2. You Don’t Have the Time
With everything on your plate, you probably don’t have enough time to create a comprehensive digital marketing strategy.
Let’s be honest. Digital marketing is a time-consuming endeavor that includes SEO, content marketing, website updates, social media management, email marketing, and analytics. Unless you have the extra time and resources to learn how to become a bonified marketing expert, hiring an agency while you focus on your core business is probably a more productive use of your time.
3. You are Struggling
You know your business and industry inside and out better than anyone, right? But you’re no digital marketing guru. You are not equipped with the skills or experience necessary to develop and roll out a digital marketing strategy that is likely to succeed. And that’s okay. You’re better off allocating your time & resources to the business you’ve created. Website development, graphic design, content creation, SEO, analytics, social media, technology, and a variety of other tools are all playing a role in digital marketing and all tied together.
4. It Isn’t a Priority For You
You recognize the value of digital marketing for your company, but you don’t understand how it works or how it’s done, or you simply don’t care. You’re no dummy, you know it works, and you want results. But you can’t or don’t want to be involved in the process of getting them. So if digital marketing isn’t your jam and you’d rather spend your time on other parts of your business, then it may be time to delegate it to an agency with a passion for digital marketing.
5. You Aren’t Getting the Return on Investment That You Want
Digital marketing can be a roller coaster, especially nowadays. Your marketing needs to evolve as the web evolves. So setting up multiple traffic streams to keep a steady flow of eager buyers incoming to your business is the way to go, but unfortunately, the rock-solid strategies you’ve used just a couple of years or even months ago aren’t driving customers to your business like they used to. And now your bag of tricks isn’t generating the ROI it once was, and you’re out of ideas.
This is yet another sign it’s time to consult with an agency. A good digital marketing agency will track your ROI so you can cut wasteful spending and optimize your campaigns while suggesting fresh new ideas that are working for local businesses right now.
6. Money is Tight
You can’t grow your business without marketing. Let’s just make that clear.
This normally means 1 of 2 things. A small budget could mean that the business doesn’t understand how important digital marketing is or that it doesn’t make enough money to spend on digital marketing.
Working with a marketing agency does not have to be expensive. In fact, it can be much more expensive to build/maintain an in-house marketing department. A dedicated space, skilled staff, ongoing training, salaries and benefits, specialized technology, and other costly components are all required for an in-house operation.
This is where a reputable digital marketing agency shines because they’ll already have the team in place, tools, and expertise ready to go from day one, and you don’t have to worry about training, paying salaries, or providing benefits.
7. You Need Better Traffic
A slow flow of new leads and customers indicates a less-than-optimal digital marketing strategy. Maybe you’re using the incorrect channel or channel combination. Perhaps your website is out of date, your content isn’t engaging visitors, or your social media activity is insufficient. You might be targeting the wrong people
These are just some of the many challenges that a digital marketing agency takes on in order to help you reach your target demographic and bring in more business.
8. The Competition Is Kicking Your Butt
When your competitors’ websites and blog posts rank higher than yours in Google search results, and you can’t avoid their social media activity, you know they’re beating you. Clearly, they’re spending a lot of money on digital marketing to expand their business and capture customers and sales that could be yours.
Consider it a wake-up call. You can do it if they can. But chances are you won’t be able to do it alone. To get there, you’ll need the right combination of content creation, citation, and link building, as well as social media and analytics support. This is where an agency comes in handy.
9. Your Website Needs To Be Redesigned
Your website is the public face of your company. Customers visit it to learn more about your products and services and to make purchasing decisions. A well-designed, user-friendly website improves their interaction with your brand and speeds up the conversion process. An out-of-date, broken, or confusing website turns them off and undermines your brand’s credibility.
An outdated appearance, low Google rankings, dwindling traffic, incorrect information, infrequent content publication, and technical difficulties are all serious issues that should be addressed right away.
10. You Can’t Create Enough Content
Do I really need to say it? Okay, fine… Content IS King. Now more than ever. Content and engagement are how Google measures success. If you go two to three weeks without creating and publishing new content, you need additional help. A lack of fresh content harms your website’s Google ranking and significantly reduces user engagement. When nothing is interesting to follow, followers leave and don’t come back.
You should be adding new content to your website on a weekly and daily basis for social media. This content should be interesting, relevant, and useful to your intended audience. If you find yourself falling behind, it’s time to hire a digital marketing agency.
11. You Don’t Measure Results
One of the major advantages of digital marketing over traditional marketing is analytics. You can track, measure, and analyze the performance of your marketing campaigns using digital marketing to determine what works and what doesn’t. This knowledge enables you to tailor your efforts in order to maximize your results and budget.
Is your digital marketing strategy producing results? Are your efforts bearing fruit? You’re wasting time and money if you don’t know, and you need an agency.
Who You Gonna Call?
In today’s online world, establishing a solid digital marketing strategy and understanding how to apply it is pretty much essential for the success of your campaign. You may be a determined do-it-yourselfer, but unless you are well versed in all forms of digital marketing, you will require the expertise of an agency sooner or later. In the long run, acting sooner will save you more time and money.
If any of these 11 items sound intimately familiar to you, let’s talk! You can Schedule a Call to have a free Website Consultation to talk about some tips, techniques, and tactics to help you.
Reading this tells me I would greatly benefit from a digital marketing agency. I don’t really understand that universe, I don’t love social media, my talents are better utilized elsewhere….etc. I can’t help but wonder if this is one of those “you have to spend money to make money” aspects of my business. I’m so new and definitely don’t have a budget at this time but I think it’s something I need to take a serious look at. Thanks for the insight!!
It is definitely something you need to take a serious look at! A digital marketing agency can help you grow your business in ways that you may not be able to do on your own. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get started, either – there are many agencies that offer affordable services. And I can refer you to a REALLY GOOD ONE!
Adept explanations as to why folks need your services, Paul. Touche!
Thank you for your kind words, Roy!
For smaller businesses especially, hiring out for digital work is important! So many people have their sister’s husband’s cousin try to do the work…and it shows. I’m a web programmer who works with project managers on websites and see this a lot!
I completely agree – having someone experienced and knowledgeable in the field working on your project makes a huge difference. I’ve seen this a lot too – people trying to do things they’re not qualified to do, which obviously ends up hurting their business in the end. If you’re looking for quality digital work, it’s definitely worth it to hire someone who knows what they’re doing (give me a call 😉 . Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Diane
Hi Paul, Thank you for posting. Here are my answers to your 11 questions:
1. It worked for the last four years, but not any more
2. Time is the resource I do have on my side
3. I don’t have the experience with web maintenance or digital marketing
4. It is a priority, I have done research, implemented a plan, and now ready to delegate
5. Not yet ready for ROI lessons since businesses just got started
6. Money IS tight, not just for me but everyone, but especially just getting a new nonprofit off the ground it is difficult to know where to start with accepting donations, finding volunteers, and making business connections
7. Still getting to know the analytics and attracting traffic
8. Not aware of my competitors at this beginning level, but I am still learning
9. My website has been through a couple redesigns and I am always learning new things to add
10. Creating content is my specialty and I am learning how to repurpose it
11. Still at the beginning stages of learning how to measure results
Sending lots of love, Jaime
Let me know how I can help, Dr. Jaime!