Now that you know you need great content for your blog and why, it’s time to move on to the meat of this series of posts. I promised I’d tell you how to get that content without wearing your fingers to the bone. So, here we go! Hang on it’s going to be a fun […]
Blogging Category
Content is Crucial!
You probably heard the saying that, ‘Content is King.’ Not only is it king, but it is also crucial! Why is Content Crucial? Here are a few reasons… First of all, people come to the web for one thing and one thing only – information. Whether they’re shopping for products to buy or looking for […]
WordPress User Roles: What’s The Difference?
Do you know the difference between the WordPress user roles that are included in your WordPress site? Did you even know that there are different levels of authority built into WordPress? Let me explain what they are and why you should know about them! If you are the only person writing content on your site, […]
Change WordPress Database Prefix
How secure is your WordPress website? There are many things that can be done in order to help make your website more hacker proof than you get when you do a simple install. First of all, it is important to know that just about everything on your website – the pages, the blog posts, the […]
Blogging Content
For the most part, I think that I Need Help With WordPress is a technical blog about a technical topic written in an easy to understand way. I know the frustration of not knowing how to do something and trying to figure it out. If I can explain something that I had to do in […]