I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year! New Year’s Day can be a time when people feel fresh and renewed. It is a time when you can start over. A time to begin anew! The New Year (and new month or quarter) is also a good time to make some updates […]
Blogging Category
Ultimate Blog Challenge
(This post has been updated on 1/2/2014 – read on and you will understand what I mean!) Today I once again signed up for another round of the Ultimate Blog Challenge – Yes, I will once again be participating! What is the Ultimate Blog Challenge you may ask.. Well, I am glad you did! The […]
A Huge List Building No-No!!
I received the following email today asking about a HUGE List Building No No! When I read it, my first thought was, “People are still doing this? Or at least contemplating it? Am I back in the 90’s? How can this still be happening?” What some people take for common knowledge is a learning experience […]
Marketing Your Blog
Bloggers today are savvy marketers, and being a savvy marketer they understand the rule: market or die. When I say “marketing” I do not mean “advertising.” Advertising is just a small part of the overall marketing process. Today it’s just not enough to have better content (or different content) for that matter to get noticed, […]
When To Let A Site Go
As a Blogger and Internet Marketer, I have many domains and many websites. “My name is Paul and I am a Domain Name Buyer.” I certainly am not as, um, ambitious (it that a friendly enough word?) as some of my friends and peers. You can count the number of domains I have on both […]