Have you ever tracked your load time? This is the amount of time that it takes to load the contents of your blog when a visitor comes to visit your website. This is very important if you got a new hosting company or if you never checked out the load time of your site. If […]
Another Post About Backing Up!
[This post was originally written back in 2011, however it has been updated in 2014 – the plugin discussed is still valid.] OK – I realized that I have been talking about backups quite a bit recently. It is something that is near and dear to my heart. In my most recent post about backing […]
Resize Photos on a Mac
I have been using a Mac for years! Years as in back to the good old days of the Apple ][+ My photo editing program of choice is Photoshop. Even when I need to do something simple like resizing photos. I have been using Photoshop for years also. Granted, I don’t consider myself a wizard […]
Yes! You HAVE an RSS Feed!
I was asked a great question earlier this evening by one of my coaching students – It was straight forward and an honest question! I want to add an RSS Feed to my sight so people can just sign up for it. I don’t want to worry about them having to come to my site […]
FBLikeButton Plugin and WordPress