As a beginner, the first steps to becoming an internet marketer should be that you need to evaluate your own skill-set, what you can bring to the table, how you can put your own unique twist on existing products, and how you can harness your own creativity to eventually create new products all your own […]
Build Reader Loyalty to Boost Web Traffic
The survival of a website depends on many different aspects and reader loyalty is one of them. Having people come back to your website (demonstrating the element of loyalty) is important as it ensure the continued support of a reader / visitor. Simply by gaining more loyal visitors, your web traffic increases, which in turn, […]
Study the Technical Skills You Need to Succeed
Technical skills that are needed in online marketing, oddly enough are often the one element that causes many people to turn and run away. It feels overwhelming and insurmountable. But you shouldn’t feel like you have to be able to operate everything all at once – don’t make this harder than it has to be. […]
WordPress 4.3 is out!
The latest version of WordPress has been released! Version 4.3 has been named “Billie” – as in the great Billie Holiday! Security & Passwords One major overhaul made deals with passwords! This is GREAT! I am a huge proponent of strong passwords and now the work flow is even better! Comments Automatically OFF […]
Scheduling You Blog Posts
There comes a time when you may decide that you want to publish a blog post at a time when you are not going to be around. A lot of people like to write a week’s worth of blog posts on the weekend and have them ready to go at another time. Fortunately, WordPress allows […]