Customer service can make or break your business, and that couldn’t be truer when it comes to an eCommerce business in particular. When someone comes to your site to make a purchase, you have to realize that they are choosing you over thousands of other stores on the web. What are you going to do […]
3 SEO Mistakes to Avoid with Your Blog
Starting a blog can be a very fun process. It’s creatively freeing since you can choose to write about just about any topic you desire. But getting readers can be a different story! If you want people to find your blog and see what you have to say, you have to take SEO into consideration. […]
The Fly Up Against The Window
Have you heard the story of the fly up against the window? Even if you didn’t, I am sure you have certainly seen one trying to escape… This fly was hitting against the glass of a closed window, trying to get out of the room, into the beautiful world outside. It could see lots of […]
4 Email Marketing Mistakes to Avoid In Your Business
I was speaking with a client a couple days ago and the topic of emailing was discussed. We talked about the Open Rates and Click Rates among other things. Email marketing is seen as one of the most effective forms of marketing a small business can participate in, but are you making any one of these […]
4 Social Media Mistakes to Avoid
Keeping up with the idea of learning from our mistakes from yesterday (5 Mistakes to Avoid in Your Online Business), today I am going to talk about 4 social media mistakes to avoid as you promote your website. If you are l looking to up your social media game, make sure you avoid these four […]