Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Digital Maestro Receives 2018 Best of Somerville Award 3rd Year In a Row Somerville Award Program Honors the Achievement SOMERVILLE November 13, 2018 — Once again, Digital Maestro has been selected for the 2018 Best of Somerville Award in the Website & Online Strategy category by the Somerville Award Program. […]
How To Create a YouTube Channel
Here is how you can create a YouTube Channel if you do onto have one. 1 Go to and click the “Sign In” button in the upper-right hand corner of the page. 2. If you already have a Google account, Great! That means you also have a YouTube account! Login to your account and don’t […]
Congratulations, Anastasia Lincoln!
Congratulations, Anastasia Lincoln! I am happy to announce the winner of the AFT Game Changers’ Raffle Giveaway. Anastasia Lincoln is the winner of the Website Set-Up and will get a new website created!
Website Hack: Recycle Old Content for a Fresh and New Article
Writing from scratch requires a lot of time and energy. You outline some posts, but then you feel like it’s just not right, and you decide to delete it. Some days generating ideas doesn’t come easy. On those days, re-generating does. Sometimes, the things we want are already around us, we just don’t see it […]
An Ingenious Way To Fight Comment Spam
Note: This post was written previously and has been updated with new information. You may (or may not) know that you can automatically send comments left on your website to the spam list if they contain certain words. I have been maintaining a list of words that I have gathered over the years and been […]