I am sure that you have heard it over and over – content is king. You get it. You understand it. But you don’t want just any old content just for the sake of having content, you want it for a reason. And you want it to be good, whether it’s written, video, or podcast. […]
Bust Through the Overwhelm Telesummit
Maybe you received an email from me yesterday where I talked about the upcoming Bust Through the Overwhelm. Did you see it? To start with, head over to Bust Through the Overwhelm and sign up for this awesome, free, Telesummit. You will learn from fabulous people like Michele Scism (the Results Lady), Jena Rodriguez, Meredith […]
The Sky Is The Limit for Domain Names
If you want a website, you have to have a domain name – that is where it all starts! Sometimes the domain is purchased from a domain broker (someone who specializes in reselling domain names). Most of the time, however, it will be registered through a domain registrar such as GoDaddy.com or NameCheap. No matter […]
Top 5 Marketing Mistakes
The Internet is a vast place of seemingly infinite resources! It that a good thing, or a bad thing? On a positive side, this can be can be used to your advantage when promoting your online business. On the other hand, there a lots of mistakes to be made as well – and when you’re […]
6 Ways To Come Up With Something To Blog About
Here are 6 ways that you can come up some topics to blog about when you are stuck.