Here is a video that is about 6 minutes and packs a great deal of motivation in it. Don’t worry, it looks like sports and it shows a lot of sports, but if you are not a sports type person, you will get a lot out of this! I am not sure what you are […]
Happy New Year – 2014
I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year! New Year’s Day can be a time when people feel fresh and renewed. It is a time when you can start over. A time to begin anew! The New Year (and new month or quarter) is also a good time to make some updates […]
Ultimate Blog Challenge
(This post has been updated on 1/2/2014 – read on and you will understand what I mean!) Today I once again signed up for another round of the Ultimate Blog Challenge – Yes, I will once again be participating! What is the Ultimate Blog Challenge you may ask.. Well, I am glad you did! The […]
A 3-Minute Story via Text Messages
With all the emoticon that are now being used, this video is very cleverly done! For those of you who are unfamiliar with emoticons, they are the text representatives of feelings. For example, : – ) is a smiley face (turn your head sideways). Enjoy this TED presentation!
A Huge List Building No-No!!
I received the following email today asking about a HUGE List Building No No! When I read it, my first thought was, “People are still doing this? Or at least contemplating it? Am I back in the 90’s? How can this still be happening?” What some people take for common knowledge is a learning experience […]