The newest version of WordPress is being tested – WordPress 3.4. The type of testing it is undergoing is Beta testing which means that it is not really ready for the world to start using it, but for those who want to be on the cutting edge and start testing it, they can.
With that said, you do NOT want to install it on your production websites! It still has bugs and as the term Beta Testing implies, it is still being tested. The final version is schedule for sometime in May.
One of the cool things about WordPress is that it is open source which means that ANYONE can develop and write code for it (if you know how) and that EVERYONE can test it. In fact, it is encouraged! The WordPress folks warned (and encouraged) people that WordPress 3.4 is still a little shaky and unstable:
As always, this is software still in development and we don’t recommend that you run it on a production site — set up a test site just to play with the new version. If you break it (find a bug), please report it, and if you’re a developer, try to help us fix it.
Some of the new features include:
- Theme Customizer with Previewer
- Flexible Custom Header Sizes
- Selecting Custom Header and Background Images from Media Library
- Better experience searching for and choosing a theme
If you want the details on the first Beta version, you can get the official info in the release announcement. If you are really anxious to try it out, WordPress 3.4 Beta 1 is available to download from the project’s site.
Thank you, Paul for this important information. I will check the beta and try to test it, despite I am not an expert in WordPress.
Thanks for the heads-up, Paul. All my blogs need updating, but as you wisely recommended, I’ll wait until the bugs are ironed out and removed.
When you schedule your webinar, please let me know.
Juan – No need for YOU (or anyone else) to test it. There are plenty of folks out there to do that work. This was for info only so you know that you can expect the upgrade to come!
Now, if you are daring and want to test it, that is another story – install it on a site that you do not care if it crashes (i.e., NOT your main site).
Finally, for those on Blogspot – you are not allowed to install WordPress – Blogspot will do that for you, at the appropriate time. A benefit and a curse!
With WordPress around, and the features that keep getting added all the time, I still don’t understand why anyone would bother with anything else frankly.
Thanks for the heads-up.
Some folks like to do things the hard way 🙂 Actually, there are somethings that WP is NOT suitable for…
I am a person who resists change when it comes to technology. Doggone it I just figure out the current system and they have to upgrade it. FB, twitter, WP. Glad to have people like you who can help us out.
I am here to help, Shawn 🙂
Thanks for the heads up. Need all the help you can provide when it is time to update.
You will be fine, Robin! Any questions???? Just ask!
It seems that I barely figure out one thing before there’s an upgrade, another plug-in, a new app and so on.
It’s becoming clearer and clearer that we best enlist the help of experts rather than try to keep up with all the changes on our own.
I am happy to help out, Flora – stay tuned for a free webinar on how to upgrade (when the upgrade is released!)
Thanks for the heads up on this Paul. I know for me I won’t be doing any Beta testing as I will wait until it’s rolled out then give it a week before I do my upgrade.
It’s good to know that a new version will be coming out. When you update to the new version should you backup your site first? I’m thinking I should just in case something goes awry.
While I am an embracer of change, the points you listed above don’t seem to appeal to me. I’m already very happy with my theme so not sure where the benefit of the new wordpress is for me in particular.
Thanks for the heads up though.
I know a bunch of folks only like to upgrade when there is a security feature included. If that is the case, I always recommend that you DO upgrade. When the final list comes out of features and bug-fixes, you can make your final decision then, Nicole! I will keep you informed! Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for the news! I’ll be backed up and ready to go when it’s released!
Good Point, Gwen – ALWAYS create your backups, ESPECIALLY when you are upgrading!
I love WordPress, I’ve been using it on my sites since 2004? I also use Movable Type, Drupal, and Joomla, but WordPress is my favorite.
Why is it your favorite, Opal? The other technologies you list are strong platforms! They each have a lot of benefits. I would love to connect with you and talk to you about this.
My blog’s been up for only 2 months now and I’m still experimenting with it, so I don’t really mind an upgrade.
I guess I’ll have to wait a bit, until some plugins I use are updated too, to fit with the new version?