Are you installing WordPress on a new site? A lot of people ask, “I want to install WordPress, but I don’t know where to put it! Where should I install it?”
The answer is really simple – put it where you want to put it 馃檪
That may not sound like much of an answer, but it is the right one. If you still don’t have an answer to the question, lets take a look at some of the considerations so you can determine where you want to put it!
Consideration #1 – If you already have a website, you can create/install it in a sub-directory of your root. You can take a peek at as an example. I had this site up and running for a while, and then I added on the blog. The root (or homepage) just lets folk know they can sign up for my daily Gratitude Burst.
If you use this option, you are not restricted to naming it ‘blog.’ Other frequently used terms are: Articles, News, Thoughts, and (of course), Blog. Name it whatever you want!
Consideration #2 – If you are creating a new website, you could install it in the root (like I do here at I Need Help With WordPress – this makes the entire site (for the most part) run under the WordPress structure. You can place the blog on the home page, or you can put it on a different page.
With that said, you can still create a new site and put it in a sub-directory, but you will probably want to have something in the root directory as well.
Boy am I techo-challenged! So far, I have resisted the lure of WordPress, but if I ever succumb, I’ll know where to come for help. 馃檪
Step into the light, Jeanie! It is a lot of fun, and easy too! It is best to own your own real estate on the internet and not be renting on someone elses. Check out what I mean by that – Time To Switch
Great tips for setting up a WordPress site. WordPress is the only thing to use in my opinion. You can do so many things with it.
I agree, Shawn! Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Paul,
Found you through the UBC comment thread, and I’m so glad! Signed on for your ecourse so I might finally set up a WordPress site for my VA business. Looking forward to it!
Awesome, Debbie! Let me know if you have any questions as you go through the course.
Thanks Paul for the information you share in this post.
If I wanted to set up some additional optin pages without registering another domain, if I understand you correctly, then I could add a new WP install in a sub-directory like ? Thank you.
Moira –
Yes – You can have multiple instances installed like that. Keep in mind that you have more maintenance to do if you install WordPress more than once.