I have been busy this month of September. Actually, it is amazing to me that it is already September!
It is almost clichè at this point to say it… 2020 has been a heck of a year! It seems on one hand that a blink ago it was March. On the other hand, it seems March was about 2 years ago. I think it is the whole Time-Space Continuum that I keep hearing about!
And while business has been good for the most part, there certainly have been some challenges along the way. Busy, long hours, more things to do, new clients to work with, and my own personal life with friends and family seem to occupy my time. What is a guy/gal supposed to do??!
For me, the answer was simple! Join the Stretch Yourself Challenge! What was I thinking?!?! LOL! It goes without saying, although the saying is spot on – If you want to get something done, give it to a busy person!
My good friend Kelly McCausey hosts the Stretch Yourself Challenge (SYC) every year. I have participated in several years now. For me, it is an opportunity to be held accountable to do something that I know I want to do, and I put it on the backburner. “i am too busy. I have client work to do. I can’t work on my business because I am too busy working IN my business.” The SYC “forces” me to say, “Yes – I need to do this. Yes – I want to do this. Yes – I will get this done!”
The Challenge has an awesome guide that outlines about 20 or so different challenges you can complete. You can do 1, 2, 3, or all of them – the choice is yours. Challenges such as:
- Challenge #1: Activate Analytics
- Challenge #2: Blog Your Expertise & Promote It Like Crazy
- Challenge #3: Create A Collaborative Blog Post
- Challenge #4: Tackle A Dedicated Affiliate Promotion
- Challenge #5: Content Refresh
- Challenge #6: Hold a Webinar To Grow Your List
- Challenge #7: Host a Facebook Live Series
- Challenge #8: Offer & Host A Group Coaching Intensive
- Challenge #9: Create a Small & Mighty Gift Report
- Challenge #10: Make an Intentional Connection
- Challenge #11: Start A Facebook Group
- Challenge #12: Gather & Publish Testimonials
- Challenge #13: Host A Virtual Summit
- Choose A Live Event To Attend
- Challenge #15: Volunteer/Apply To Speak
- Challenge #16: Participate in a Bundle Sale or Giveaway
- Challenge #17: Plan A Micro-Continuity Program
- Challenge #18: Create A Tripwire Offer
- Challenge #19: Start A YouTube Channel
- Challenge #20: Create A TikTok Account & Publish Three Times
- Challenge #21: Create A Twitch Account & Stream Three Times
You can see there are plenty of opportunities to get you out fo your comfort zone! No need to worry because Kelly offers a full 152-page manual to guide you along to help you accomplish your goal(s). And, if that wasn’t enough, there is a whole community to help you along your travels. It is one of my favorite communities to hang out and interact with!
I keep coming back to the challenge year after year. I recommend the SYC because (as I stated earlier) it ‘forces me’ to do the things that I know I should do, yet I put them off. I like knowing that I am publically committing to the community that I will be doing this. I love the support, I love the challenges. And, I love who I become along the journey!
One of the great things about the Challenge is that you can do it anytime. You do not have to wait another year for this to start again in 2021! It is available as a Self-Study/DIY program AND you still get all the benefits of connecting with people in the community! Check out the Stretch Yourself Challenge. When you do sign up and join the community over there, come say hi! Let’s do a challenge together!
I agree with you, Paul. The challenge forces me to do things in my own business that I normally neglect. And many of the challenges you mentioned above are ones that can be done over and over again.
So true, Lu! (That rhymes!)
I love the Stretch Yourself Community too. I need deadlines, challenges, and goals to get things done. It’s also really great to meet a network of Amazing people.
There is some awesome networking that results in some great collaboration!
Paul, it was great to do a triad with you during the challenge. It helped me to see new things about the goals I want to pursue. I like that you said that the SYC compels you to say yes you need to do this; yes, you want to do this; and, yes, it will get it done. I couldn’t have said it better. It definitely inspires you to get things done! While we can do this as a self-study, I’m certainly glad I participated live for two years — because otherwise I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do a triad with you! Triads are the highlight of the experience for me. I hope to do more in the future even after it’s done so if you ever want to do another, let’s get it scheduled. Best, Tara
It was a great Triad, Tara! As with events and conferences, to me, being there LIVE is best. However, given the environment we are in, we have to do things virtually.
For me, that is the difference between doing a Challange like this “live” in real-time with people vs. doing it self-study. SOmetimes due to scheduling, I need to do a self-study course as opposed to being a participant. Each still works out fine!
Yes, I agree that the SYC is just what I needed to “force me” in a completely consenting way to take on challenges that I would not necessarily do on my own without being challenged. There is also something comforting and supportive in being able to have the SYC community to interact with.
I may just need to borrow your quote if you don’t mind. Love it!
“Yes – I need to do this. Yes – I want to do this. Yes – I will get this done!”
The quote is yours, Lynn! Go forth and use it as you please! Thanks for popping in!
“I am too busy. I have client work to do. I can’t work on my business because I am too busy working IN my business.” These all sounds too familiar. We are always held back by that word “busy,” which serves as an easy escape from an unfamiliar landscape like a challenge or going out of our comfort zone. The SYC “forces” me to say, “Yes – I need to do this. Yes – I want to do this. Yes – I will get this done!” I agree that Kelly’s Stretch Yourself Challenge flips our “no” to a “yes.” Thanks for your insightful post, Paul!
You are most welcome, Maria! Thanks for stopping by!
Agree Paul, the Space-Time Continuum has gotten wobbly wonky this year. 😉
I love how you notice that the SYC supports us in business to say ‘yes’ to what we know we need to do, but have too often put on the backburner as we race to other work, clients, family, life. It’s a big reason I keep saying Yes as well! I hope the support and community lets you cross off many HellYeah! projects you wanted to get done.
Amen, Jennifer! That is the plan!
Paul, I agree that challenging yourself is a great way to take control of the chaos that 2020 has been! Taking action feels powerful, especially for those whose business has been affected by this years’ circumstances. The community is great for combating the isolation that many might feel at this time.
Yes, Amy! I love how you said, “taking action feels powerful” especially (for me) when it was a task that was sitting there for a while and FINALLY gets done!
You are right, Paul–the Stretch Yourself Challenge has an amazing community!
I, like you, join the challenge each year as an accountability mechanism to “force” myself to do some of the things I would otherwise put off because of all the other stuff going on in my life and business.
Wishing you all the best on your challenge endeavors this year!❤
Right back atcha, Benecia!
This is so true what you wrote, Paul . . . ‘ LOL! It goes without saying, although the saying is spot on – If you want to get something done, give it to a busy person!’
The SYC makes you feel like you’re being busy but you’re actually being incredibly productive with your time spent in the challenge. I’m happy you’re back again for another year of stretching, Paul. Finish up strong!
Thanks, Melissa! <3 you!
Oh my goodness – March does feel like it was just seconds or 2 years ago!
I’m so glad you are in the SYC community! And I think you called me out on this one- this challenge does force us to focus on things we often push to the back burner – even when we know they are important and necessary for our business!
Thank you for sharing – and I look forward to continuing to challenge myself after the SYC in your October Blog Challenge 😉
Funny! I was calling *ME* out on this 🙂
I like the way you use the challenge to focus on the business tasks that you let slide during the year. The focused intention of this group really seems to make it possible to get a lot done in the month of September.
Work ON it, not IN it! Thanks, Lori!
I’m definitely in that time space continuum with you. I know it’s because of the client work along with my own. I’ve lost track of all sense of time. September wakes us up though.
I’m looking forward to celebrating all your stretches on October 1st!
I already started to celebrate! Celebrate the small wins along the way!
It’s so funny your reminder of the saying, “If you want something done, give it to a busy person.” 2020 has proven just that to me. For a while my business died to almost nothing, and yet, somehow I couldn’t find the time to get anything else done or started. (I was wallowing a bit.) Then, new opportunities arose, and like you said, this challenge presented itself, and all of a sudden NOW there’s time to get stuff done!? The motivation this group offers is truly amazing, and your invitation to do a challenge together with anybody new who starts the self study is fantastic!
And I think more comes to us when we are busy! Good Job, Kelly!
I agree – the challenge forces us to do the thing(s) we otherwise put off! I’ve wanted to update my content forever and boom … Kelly offers prizes and I’m busting my butt to do it NOW. And of course I love seeing you on the calls and around the community!
For me, it feels rewarding as well to do thee things I always want to do!
So true – the challenge forces us to do things we “know we should do.” 😀 I’ve known I should have created FB lives a long time ago and I waited until the challenge to do it. But I’m so glad I took it this year so that I could finally get the push I needed to do them. Glad to be in the challenge with you and thank you for your funny posts on the forum too!
Funny posts? Um… Ok 🙂
Yes! I love how the SYC “forces” you to make those backburner items front and center for a little while. And working in conjunction with the community, all working on goals at the same time, but in their own different ways, results in surprising new ideas popping up all over the place.
What a month the SYC has been 🙂 I loved it!
I’ve viewed you as an expert in the internet world for years, since I first met you teaching WordPress at NAMS conferences. So it speaks volumes to the enduring depth and quality of Kelly’s SYC that professionals like you can still come and learn more. Good to see you here!
Awww – thanks, Anita! I think there is always more to learn. And Kelly has a lot to offer!
2020 sure has been a heck of a year! Hope 2021 is a whole lot better. Till then I guess we continue to make the most of it. One thing I will say for the year. It has given me some additional time to work on my business. Growing it has been a blessing.
Ame to that, Robin!