Want to know what one of the biggest indicators that a website is either pretty new OR is run by someone that doesn’t know what they are doing?
They leave the default tag, “Just Another WordPress site.”
This is bad for a few reasons…
- Your website should NEVER be considered, “Just another WordPress site” – that sounds sooooo degrading! You are meant to shine!
- It tells people that you don’t know what you are doing, or,
- It tells people that you do not finish up what you started.
There are a LOT of sites out there that do not bother to change this! I did a search on the exact phrase, “just another WordPress site” and found 56,700,000 results – and that is for a phrase that is inside of quote! I then just selected a random page (Page 8 for me) and found the following results:
I have the website names blurred to protect the innocent.
In the event that you are still showing that tagline, let me show you how to change that. It is actually simple!
- Login to your WordPress dashboard
- Click on “Settings” and you will get the “General Settings” page
- This is the place that change the default site title and tagline (see the image below)
- Tada!! No more default tagline!
I must be more anal than most when I set things up. I checked after I read this post (thank you for bringing it up, by the way) and realized that when I set anything up, I go to every, single tab in “Settings” and answer the questions as best I can. I guess what surprises me most is that most people don’t do the same thing!
No they do not! That is why this gets missed a lot, Sheri! And, there is nothing wrong with being anal, I mean thorough! 🙂
It’s astonishing to see the numbers of new bloggers. It’s amazing that over 56 million still have the default tagline!
My blog is only 4-years old, but I feel like an old-timer, because so much has changed, even in those 4 short years. Your articles keep me up to date, and I appreciate your helpful WordPress and blogging guidance.
Great info. I learn so much every day about blogging. I took that tagline off my first blog because I had a tagline I wanted to use. I’ll have to go check and be sure I’ve taken it off this one. So glad I found you, now maybe the learning curve on my blog won’t be as steep. Thanks.
Welcome, Nita! Glad you found us. Lots of info on the site – let me know if you have any questions.
I’d love to see a post about the best ways to combat comment spam. I have resorted to using FB for my comments because I was frustrated with spam.
Oohhh – great topic, Kandas! I will write something about that topic!
This is so helpful Paul and so timely for me. Believe it or not, my former web wizard dropped me as a client (and a friend) because I wouldn’t back Hamas (not Palestinians; Hamas) in the recent conflict. Good to know I can count on you! Your expertise shines through with each post!