When it comes to email marketing tips, it isn’t just the ones that help you grow your list that matter. The truth is that your list could have thousands of subscribers, but none of them will make you any money unless they trust your offers and build a relationship with you and your brand.
It is not the size of your list, but how responsive your list is!
I would rather have a list of 300 people that open my emails, read them, and then proceed to take action and make a purchase compared to having a list of 5,000 that don’t even read the emails! See the difference?
Here are some of the best ways to go about building that all important relationship.
Be Personal
Your subscribers probably didn’t sign up to hear about the ins and outs of your personal life, but that doesn’t mean you can’t personalize your emails a little. Include a few sentences in your email about what you’ve been up to before moving on to your main topic. It helps to remind customers that you’re a real person, and you’ll form a much deeper connection as a result.
Be Open To Replies
This is another way to show your subscribers that you’re a human being, and that you do care what they think. Make sure you include a sentence or two letting them know that they can reply to the email if they have any questions or comments. If they know they can rely on you in this way, they will be far more open to any offers you send their way.
Under Promise And Over Deliver
You hear this phrase a lot when it comes to business, for one simple reason: it works! Always go above and beyond what your customers expect of you. Surprise them out of the blue with free products or valuable information that they can really use, and make sure any offers you do send them are excellent value.
Always Put Them First
There may be times when another marketer approaches you with a tempting deal to promote to your list. Instead of thinking about the $$, consider for a moment whether this promotion would really be the best thing for your list.
Firstly, did they really sign up for these kind of promotions? If so, is the product/ service something you trust, and have tested for yourself? Thirdly, do you trust the marketer you’re pointing them towards? Remember, if your customers aren’t happy with anything you personally promoted to them, they aren’t going to be happy with you either.
Be Yourself
Lastly, remember to always be yourself. Your integrity will show through if you believe in everything you do and say. Don’t try to copy other successful marketers – every business is different, and every person has their own unique strengths. Play to your strengths and let your list see the real you. They will appreciate it!
The only email marketing tips you should ever follow are ones that are going to reinforce that relationship you have with your list. Sometimes you may need to turn down a money making opportunity to keep the relationship in tact, but you’ll eventually come to realize that the strong relationship you have with your list is worth a lot more money in the long term.
These tips are so timely.
I am about to start my first newsletter by email.
I’ve been trying to think how to go about it.
This is a good start.
Thanks so much!
I may have the only subscribers that get mad at me because I never send them any emails. 馃槈