Successful blogging requires a lot of work. Anyone can slap up a blog and forget it. If you want to achieve whatever blogging goals you have set, you can’t adopt that attitude. Doing nothing typically does not bring about success. You are going to have to take action and get moving! If you think about […]
The Sales Funnel and Why it Matters to Lead Generation
In the prior post, Why Leads Are important To Your Business, it was discussed that you need to generate leads for you business. After all, your business is important to you. That goes without saying. You business does quiet a bit: It provides you with a creative outlet. It provides you with pride of ownership. […]
Why Leads are Important to Your Business
I was recently asked at an event I attended, “Why are leads important to my business? I do a lot of business by referral and word of mouth.” It seems so simple, doesn’t it? Clearly, you can’t make sales if you don’t have leads. No leads… no sales… Far too many businesses believe that the […]
I am In The Ultimate Blog Challenge… Again!
The October 2016 Ultimate Blog Challenge has started ! I am participating – are you? What is the Ultimate Blog Challenge you may ask.. Well, I am glad you did! The Ultimate Blog Challenge (UBC) was inspired by 2 of my friends, Connie Ragen Green and Dr. Jeanette Cates. It was later taken over by […]
Help, My WordPress Site Has Been Hacked!
Make sure you are using a strong password – One of the best ways to do this is to use a Password Tool like Roboform to generate a password for you