How would you like to Take a Quantum Leap in 2012? Sounds good, huh? Well, I want to let you know about a Fantastic Expert Series that is starting on Thursday, January 26th! It is appropriately titled, Take a Quantum Leap in 2012 and is organized by my good friend, Yvonne A. Jones. We met […]
Free Graphic Resource
I received an email about a graphic design offer from a new site called, ZeroBundle. The site offers time-sensitive downloads of design resources, and includes PSDs, vectors, brushes, icons, textures, UI elements and more. The time-restricted offer brings a touch of exclusivity to the bundle, making it even harder to resist. Once you see what’s included though, it’s pretty […]
DreamHost Was Hacked!
Earlier this morning, the webhosting company, DreamHost, issued a very serious warning to all of their customers that have hosting with them: “Last night we detected some unauthorized activity within one of our databases. While we don’t have evidence that customer passwords were taken at this time, we’re forcing a change out of caution. Please […]
Just Say ‘No!’ to Buying Email Addresses
I was asked by a Private Coaching Student about buying email addresses. I am sure that you have come across advertisements that read: “1,000,000 email addresses for $29.99”. As an added bonus, these email collecting and selling companies will even provide the emails on a CD or DVD. Sure, having 1,000,000 subscribers is the best […]
Blog Content is King
You have probably heard it before – Content is King! I would like to amend that and make it more specific to blogging – Blog Content is King! Well, if content is King, are you constantly adding new content to your blog? If not, maybe it’s because you aren’t sure what to write about, or […]