)Note – if this looks familiar, it was posted a while ago. There was some content that became outdated, so I cleaned it up, brought it up to date, and am sharing it again!) If you have been online for any amount of time, I am sure you have heard the expression, “content is king.” […]
WordPress Theme Licensing
A question about WordPress Themes was asked by Virgil. It seems that WordPress Themes is a common question out there! Anyway, Virgil asked: I want to buy a wordpress theme and don’t understand what’s the difference between regular and extended license? Do I get to keep whichever one I pay for forever? Or do I […]
WordPress 3.8.2 Released
The latest version of WordPress was released – version 3.8.2 has gone Live! If you have not yet done so, now is the time to backup your site and upgrade! The good folks over at WordPress.org even state, “This is an important security release for all previous versions and we strongly encourage you to update […]
How to Start Your Own Online Business
Of course you know that everyday there are billions of people using the internet. That is no hype and because of this fact, a lot of people are taking advantage of the largest possible market that they can penetrate in order to sell whatever product or service that they have. So, are you wondering how […]
Profitable Content Creation – What to Do When You’re Running Out of Content Ideas (3 Big Tips)
The struggle for many content marketers, both new and experienced, is consistently coming up with ideas for creating content. I’ve noticed that many go through a few stages in their struggle to come up with content ideas. Sometimes it is easy to put pen to paper (of fingers to the keyboard) and write like crazy. […]