You might have heard rumors about WordPress websites – For example you may have heard that Google gives priority to these websites. It is fairly certain that search engines give priority to certain websites and blogs, so now that blogging and pinging phase might be losing at least part of it’s effectiveness, now is the […]
7 Reasons To Join A Mastermind Group
The past couple of days I have been meeting with my Mastermind group down in Houston, TX. We get together a few times a year in person and when we do, we get a lot of work accomplished. Although most of us have only known each other for about a year or a year and […]
14 Must-Have Free Tools
I am always on the look out for good tools to use that will help me become more efficient and effective. When I can find FREE or inexpensive tools, that is even better. When I find a LIST of FREE tools, then I am REALLY happy! Right now – I am really happy! Enter Sarah […]
Video & Domain Names
Quick! Do you know where the country of Tuvalu is located? OK, let me ask another question… Did you ever HEAR of the country called Tuvalu? Tuvalu, formerly known as the Ellice Islands, is a Polynesian island nation located in the Pacific Ocean, midway between Hawaii and Australia. For most people, they would never know […]
Website Maintenance: 5 SEO Maintenance Tips to Oil Up Your Engine
I woke up this morning with a song in my head – it was the theme from the movie, Arthur. Specifically, I kept singing the opening line, over and over and over. Anyway… I was drinking my coffee and getting ready for the day when I found an article by Social Media icon, Ian Cleary. […]