A website operated and controlled by Microsoft which was dedicated to online privacy was recently hacked to host content promoting online casinos. Seems ironic, doesn’t it? Websites are getting hacked all the time. you hear about it on the news. You make have friends that have been hacked. What are you supposed to do? I […]
Squeeze Pages
(This is a continuation from yesterday’s blog post on List Building – you may want to read that first!) having an effective squeeze page will make getting people to sign up much easier. The term “conversion” refers to somone that comes to your page with the Opt-in form and signs up. One of the easiest […]
List Building II
(This is a continuation from yesterday’s blog post on List Building – you may want to read that first!) If you are interested in outsourcing your project to experienced freelancers, you can easily find a trustworthy professional from the following freelance marketplaces: http://www.Guru.com http://www.Elance.com http://www.Scriptlance.com It may cost you a little more than some other […]
List Building – Part I
Today’s topic is going to deal with List Building and since there is a ton of information about this, it will be part of a series of posts. Settle down and get ready! List building is all about connecting with your target audience by offering them high quality information in exchange for their subscription. Once […]
Ultimate Blog Challenge is here!
The Ultimate Blog Challenge is in full force! Have you signed up yet? The Ultimate Blog Challenge (UBC) is a fun and challenging, um, Challenge that anyone with a blog should get involved with. Today is the first day and I am participating in it (Actually, I am also running the challenge along side with […]