You probably heard that the “sales experts” say that it often takes seven or more communications or sales messages before your prospective client (or customer) will purchase what you are selling. They need to see your message, on average, seven or more times. They need to see your message, OVER 7 TIMES! When it comes […]
Stop WordPress Spam comments with G.A.S.P
I was doing an interview for Jenny Munn ( today regarding “do follow”, comments, SEO, and some other things. One of the questions was, “Do you have to monitor spam more closely or is Akismet still catching most of it?” I am sure that you are aware that Akismet is the plugin that comes installed […]
An Autoresponder Is Your Friend
An Autoresponder is a tool that you can use to automate the process of sending out e-mails in a particular order and are sent at particular time frames. Email autoresponders will send out a message (or set of messages) that you specify. When your business is slow or just beginning you may be hesitate to […]
P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler)
Sometimes I think I am living under a rock. I thought I found a new plugin to test – well it turns out it has been out for a few months now! Maybe you already know about it, maybe not. I am talking about a plugin written by GoDaddy and it is called P3 (Plugin […]
Affiliate Marketing’s Biggest Mistakes
I just spent the weekend at the Niche Affiliate Marketing System Conference down in Atlanta! What a fabulous time! I met a lot of great folks just starting out, and a lot of seasoned folks as well! I heard a lot of stories,- some good, so not so good! Maybe you could say that this […]