There are a few ways to install WordPress – you can install it manually, you can install it via the ‘One-Click’ installation available on hosting sites (via the cPanel), and you can install it using something like Fantastico. The most safe method of installing WordPress is Manually. It might take you a little longer, but […]
Found This Out About Facebook
A friend of mine (I’ll call her ‘Betsy Baker’ since that is her name) has a great site over at The DIY Entrepreneur. She recently wrote about some of the rules that Facebook is changing… and it ain’t too pretty! Specifically, Betsy was discussing Facebook Fan pages – the ‘business’ side of FB as opposed […]
Profitable Content Creation – What Happened After They Told Me I Couldn’t Write (True Story)
Today’s post is written by Jeff Herring! Content Marketing is a great way to build your online business. The problem is that most people who teach it stop at the point of creating content. While creating profitable content is essential, there is so much more you can do with your content. That’s why I expand […]
5 Awesome Free WordPress Shortcode Plugins
OK – I am going to make a confession up front. You may not want to read this post once you read what I have to tell you… Here goes… In all the years I have had this site, I honestly think this is a first for me. I am going to be writing about […]
How to Make a Media Kit that ROCKS!
I never thought I would need one, but after reading a post over at The Blog Maven, I have added this to my extensive To-Do list! Being on line, we ALL want to increase our revenue stream. Sponsorship is one way to do this. Although you might think that you have to be a huge […]