Here are another 5 more things your website needs to attract more clients, in continuation with the “5 More Things Your Website Needs to Attract More Clients” mini-series.
Video And Welcome Audio
The primary means of communication online have been video and audio. YouTube, Vimeo, and other social video sites have greatly affected how we interact online. Being able to put a face with a business is what people enjoy. They also like hearing your voice. Including both video and audio content on your site is worth considering. You can even put a simple welcoming message on your sales page and/or landing page.
USP means Unique Selling Proposition. It’s what gives you an edge among others. How do you stand out from your competition? What can you do different or do better than them? Utilize your USP into your branding, voice, and online content
New Products and/or Services
Creating a steady stream of top quality products or services is one of the best ways to really take hold and make your business website stand out from your competition. Make a launch plan that lets you talk about new products or services often, offer promotions, and discuss pending launches. It lets you keep up on the headlines and makes things more exciting for your followers.
A Way For People To Give Money
Are you fervent about a cause? Using your business website in integrating your cause can be done in many ways. It doesn’t only help raise money for something you believe, it can also aid you in building your business. A link to a cause you believe in, or a simple plug-in to help people click and donate, helps your business to be more socially responsible. Socially aware businesses are chosen by the majority of consumers.
RSS Feed
A means of syndicating your content is through RSS. It makes others subscribe to your site and they automatically get notified of new blog posts and/or content in their emails or via their favorite reader like Feedly. It’s best if you offer both reader RSS and email RSS in order for your visitors to have a choice. Keep in mind that if someone does read your content via an RSS feed, they are NOT coming to your website, you do not get an increase in traffic, and they cannot see the rest of the content on your site (i.e., they will not see your advertisements for your products or affiliate products).
thanks for the guidance. sometimes there are so many plates spinning, i can’t remember what to prioritize.
You are welcome!
Paul, we are so in sync today! I woke up thinking about creating a video with an audio welcome to put on my about me page. So I’m glad you agree! 🙂
Woo Hoo!
I finally got around to making a welcome video for my site..duh..l redesigned and forgot to put it back up. Thanks for the reminder.
Happy to help! 🙂
The one thing I wanted to try during the challenge was making a video. I didn’t accomplish that but hopefully I can get passed my stage fright and be ready for April challenge.
Ditto! I think I am going to make some video this challenge for my site! Maybe even do a Facebook live! (gasp!)