Blogging has truly revolutionized the way we live today. There is really no limit to what one can do after reading information found in a blog. Think of the last time you researched something on the web – did you find the answer in someone’s blog? Personally, I am hoping that reading my blog has provided some answers to the questions that you may have had.
As a blogger, it is very rewarding knowing that it is possible that you can even earn some money while blogging. As the saying goes, “Do what you love and the money will follow!” If you blog well, that is to say, if you blog well enough for people to come read it, there is a good possibility that you can earn some money.
While writing your blogs you also need to keep in mind a few things. Blogging on a regular basis is not only to ensure that you get a steady traffic; blog readership can increase when you blog on a regular basis, which in turn will cause the ranking of your blog with search engines go higher. Google likes sites that have content being added on a regular basis. This shows that the site is active and being updated. An active site ranks higher than a static, non-changing site.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind when you are writing your content:
• Reader Friendly: Always keep your content – articles, poems, photographs, videos – reader friendly. Your content should keep your readers interested. Your reader must be at the center of you post in a way that your reader feels that he/she is gaining something out of reading your post. This is the basic rule in marketing.
• Worthwhile: Never let the reader feel that he/she has been tricked into reading your post or clicking on your blog link. You are thwarting all your long term chances that your reader will come back to your blog.
• Check for errors: Making grammatical and spelling errors can be a major turn off for many readers. They may not visit your blog again simply because of these typos. Always proof read your blog. A small typo here and there may be understood, but make sure you don’t make any major errors (side note… I am CONSTANTLY working on this… I think this is my biggest problem!)
• KISS (Keep It Short and Simple, NOT the other thing…): This is the rule of thumb you must follow. Long winded posts tend to get boring; it may contain nothing that is interesting to the reader. In fact, your blog will be much more appreciated if you put your thoughts simply and shortly.
• Interesting: Make sure that you hold your reader’s attention by making your posts interesting! They must not be written in a tone that is tiring to read. Write short sentences and keep then crisp and precise. Always hit the point early in your post.
• Clear Thoughts: Make sure you put your thought clearly before the readers so that it does not become tedious for them to read.
• Link: Keep linking the blogs you read back to yours. Remember, back-linking increases rankings.
• Keywords: Using the keywords of your posts frequently helps increase the search ranking of that particular article. This in turn results in more people visiting your blog as a result of organic ranking in the search engines!
• Colloquialism: It is OK if you write in a friendly tone – use conversation speech.
• Post Title: And last but not least, a catchy post title or headline is half your problem solved. An effective title can capture a reader attention to your post almost immediately. With that said, do not put misleading post titles, or you will lose creditability with your readers!
As always, helpful and valuable information! Thanks!
As always, great advice, Paul.
For many years I’ve loved writing, as my father did before me. With the internet, it’s so easy to publish one’s thoughts, stories, and helpful suggestions to others. Love it!
Excellent point, Wil! I have folders and folders of letters that my father wrote out. I am sure he would have LOVED to have a blog so he could have shared his thoughts with EVERYONE!
Very informative article. I try to keep all of those points in mind whenever I post to my blog. I definitely want to attract as many readers as possible!
Excellent guidelines Paul…Thanks, Hughie
Paul, can you explain back linking more? How do I link my blog with others? Thanks.
Great question! The answer is a bit longer than just a reply here. Look for an upcoming post about Backlinks!
Thanks for asking!
I like everything you write here… so easy to read and apply. I would like to ask the same question as Julia asked re back linking.