[Note: this information was updated and republished to include information about Free WordPress Training.]
How technical are you? You might have a lot of experience, or you might have just a little. I know some readers here have NO technical experience when it comes to websites. Whatever category you fall into, that is ok!
I want to take a little bit of time and explain what some of this techie stuff is. Knowing something is better than knowing nothing!
The software used to create WordPress uses a language called PHP and a database called MySQL. These 2 things provide you with all the parts to create your own blog and publish your own “stuff” on the web; this can be reports, articles, blog posts, images, whatever! It is all created automatically so you do not need to know how to program everything yourself.
Here come some of the techie explanations!
PHP (which stands for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor… whatever!) is a language that lives on your website server (not on your computer) and is used to create dynamic Web pages. When a visitor comes to a page on your site that is created with PHP, your website server processes the PHP commands and then sends the results back to your visitor. These results end up looking like your webpage!
MySQL is a database that holds all the writing of your website. Technically, it is a free database management system (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL is just a language used to get data into and out of the database. If that still sounds crazy, think of MySQL as a big filing cabinet where all the content on your blog is stored and SQL is a way to store things in the file cabinet as well as getting information out!
Sidenote: (Had enough of the TLAs? That would be Three Letter Acronyms!)
Whenever someone goes to your website to read your content, a ‘request’ is made to your website server. This request is probably something like, “I want to see your Contact us page, or I want to read a specific blog entry. Of course, the actual request is going to be more technical than that, but you get the idea!
OK, so the PHP programming language receives that request, obtains the requested information from the MySQL database, and then presents the requested information to your visitor through his Web browser.
In using the term content as it applies to the data that’s stored in the MySQL database, I’m referring to your blog posts, comments, and options that you set up in the WordPress Administration panel. The theme (design) you choose to use for your blog — whether it’s the default theme, one you create for yourself, or one that you have custom‐designed for you — isn’t part of the content in this case. Those files are part of the file system and aren’t stored in the database. So it’s a good idea to create and keep a backup of any theme files that you’re currently using.
When you look for a hosting service, keep an eye out for the hosts that provide daily backups of your site, so that your content/data won’t be lost in case something happens. Web hosting providers that offer daily backups as part of their services can save the day by restoring your site to its original form. Make sure they can restore your complete website and not just your database. You will need it all (By the way, I use WPTwin).
Who has questions?
If you have any WordPress techie questions that you want answers, let me know and I will create a post answering your question! The more you know about what drives your website, the better (but you still do not need to know how to do it all yourself!).
Another great possibility for you is to check out the free WordPress training each month over at https://FreeMonthlyTraining. Normally we cover “How To” questions with WordPress such as:
- How do I change my theme?
- What is the best way to market and get traffic to my site?
- Is my website protected well enough? What security do I need?
- and many more.
Once in a while, there are questions such as, “How can I tweak my database to get better performance?” and the process gets answered in easy to understand explanations. Go sign up for https://FreeMonthlyTraining.com and learn for free!
Glad I found your blog while scrolling through the UBC page! I’m a bit of a geek but just learning WordPress so I’m thinking your blog will come in handy!
Welcome, Candy!
I hope you find some geeky, techie, and informative posts here! I try to make a mix of information at all levels so you should find “stuff” for your current level as well as info that you can “grow into!”
Thanks for stopping by!
When I first started using WordPress, I couldn’t stand it! I found it so complicated to do the smallest thing – and I do know HTML! Now however I love it. It’s easy to do so much, and I didn’t know what PHP and MySQL were until today. Thanks Paul! I’ll definitely keep your blog on my list of “must visits”.
As I stated, Lynn, it is not necessary to become an expert in PHP or SQL, but by the simple fact that you know that they are thee can empower you ever so slightly!
Trying to verify my wordpress site, went to google, down loaded html file, but can not find where to upload on site to get google to verify. Please help.
Gilbert – this file needs to be added into the root of your site. You can use an FTP program to upload the file, or use the File Manager of cPanel.
Hey Paul,
remember me from Feb 2012 NAMS? I see that you are doing well for yourself. I have a question. I am trying to add a PDF to a New Page and I can not do it. I looked in a WP forum, but the advice did not work for me. 2 questions. 1- can you upload a PDF and if yes 2. How? Appreciate any assistance.
Hi Maureen – Of course I remember you! I sent you an email 🙂