Hey folks! I am back! Seems like it has been a while since I posted, but since I got clobbered with Hurricane Irene, had to move out since we lost power for about 60 hours, and with all the clean up, it was tough to get back here.
In any case, here I am. And today I want to write about a plugin that I recently installed (and it is free!); it is supposed to help you visualize all the posts that you have posted, all the posts that may be scheduled, and even when you created a draft post.
The plugin is called, WordPress Editorial Calendar. It is available by added a new plugin via your Dashboard.
The official ‘blurb’ on the plugin states:
Did you remember to write a post for next Tuesday? What about the Tuesday after that? WordPress doesn’t make it easy to see when your posts are scheduled. The editorial calendar gives you an overview of your blog and when each post will be published. You can drag and drop to move posts, edit posts right in the calendar, and manage your entire blog.
You can see the value it provides, especially if you have an active blog. If you have multiple people contributing to the blog, this can really become invaluable!
I like the ability to drag and drop a draft post or unpublished post from one day to another. This is not available once it is published. It makes scheduling and changing you mind a lot easier than when the posts are listed in the regular WordPress All Posts listing.
As I mentioned, I am just getting used to this plugin, but I think I like it! I write a short post once I really give it a whirl!
Hey, there, Paul:
I’ve been using it for a while, based upon Michelle Shaeffer’s recommendations.
It’s very useful, with a few provisos.
1. It was clunky to start, since the calendar only shows 3 weeks. I have about 40 posts in my queue and moving them around took some figuring out. Trick: Don’t worry that it’s white space below the end of the calendar- drag your title there and the calendar will adjust.
2. I refuse to allow any post to be published without a last “once-over”. As such, the calendar turns out to be an impediment. You have to save the draft. Then, edit the publishing time (for at least one minute hence). Then, wait one minute before you post your wonderful blog to FB. (I choose where I post my blog. We are both part of multiple communities.)
Other than that- I recommend the calendar, too.
Thanks for the tips, Roy! Always good to know that others are recommending it – LOL – I am just a little slow at times 馃檪 I will go check in with Michelle to see what she had to say!
Hey Paul & Roy,
Thanks for the mentions/link. That’s one of my favorite plugins. I discovered it when Chris Brogan posted about it a while back. It rocks!
This is like 6 degrees of separation! Let’s see how many people we can get linked here 馃檪 Thanks, Michelle!
Sound very good, Paul. Organizing my posts–what a great idea so I can more easily convert it to a membership site. Thanks.
Glad I could share this, Ali! By the way – what membership software are you using? I am looking to implement one myself!
This sounds really good, and thanks to Roy for the tips! Now if only I could push myself to write my blogs ahead of time and get some of those guest bloggers…
You can do it, Amethyst! Instead of writing only 1 post, plan to write 2. Within a week, you will be another week ahead!
Like the idea of this plugin, think I’ll try it. Thanks Paul, Roy for the tips and Amethyst for linking us to it.