Have you heard the news?!?! WordPress 3.5 Beta 1 has been released! You can now get the most latest and great version of the beloved software!
Keep in mind that this is still in development and it is not ready for prime time players! DO NOT use this on a production site (that would be a site that is live and up and running and you use it for your bread and butter!) If you are so inclined, you can install it an play around with it on a test site – or a site that does not matter to you if it crashes.
IF you want to install WordPress 3.5 you can always simply install the plugin: WordPress Beta Tester . Using this plugin, you can get the updated changes EVERYDAY! Since this is a Beta version, it is changing daily as bugs and issues are reported.
This latest version incorporates a few hundred changes to improve your WordPress experience. The biggest thing that was changes is the overhauling the media experience from the ground up. These changes include how you upload photos, arrange galleries, insert images into posts, and more. As the official word states, “It’s still rough around the edges and some pieces are missing — which means now is the perfect time to test it out, report issues, and help shape our headline feature.”
One of the benefits of Open Source software is that anyone who wants to get involved CAN get involved. Down the latest Beta version of WordPress and if you think you’ve found a bug, you can post to the Alpha/Beta area in the support forums. Or, if you’re comfortable writing a reproducible bug report, file one on the WordPress Trac. There, you can also find a list of known bugs and everything we’ve fixed so far.
What else can you expect to see with the new version? As the WordPress site reports, “Here’s some more of what’s new:
- Appearance: A simplified welcome screen. A new color picker. And the all-HiDPI (retina) dashboard.
- Accessibility: Keyboard navigation and screen reader support have both been improved.
- Plugins: You can browse and install plugins you’ve marked as favorites on WordPress.org, directly from your dashboard.
- Mobile: It’ll be easier to link up your WordPress install with our mobile apps, as XML-RPC is now enabled by default.
- Links: We’ve hidden the Link Manager for new installs. (Don’t worry, there’s a plugin for that.)”
I love this software! Are you daring enough to try out this new beta version? Let me know – leave a comment below!
hmmm, links? . . . that’s the Link tab on the left, that creates a list of your fav website links that you can put in a widget . . . corrrect? . . . won’t be missed . . . very 2002ish . . . (thanks for the info)
I agree! The question came up on a coaching call this week – “What are the Links?” Glad to see someone realizes they are not widely used! When was the last time someone asked you do a “link swap?” Yup – 2002!