Have you ever thought of viral email when you think of something that ha gone viral? probably not. When you thinks of sometime going viral, what do you think? Probably not email! But it is true – you can make an email go viral if you have the right components in that email.
Utilizing Your Emails
Everybody wishes his or her marketing message to be viral, or have a viral facet and make the best of viral marketing. Why not? It’s free of charge and effective. The issue is that most individuals don’t comprehend what it is that makes their marketing e-mail message worthy of being passed along. For viral email to occur, you need to have something that people want to share.
The idea of building an ad in email become viral is really pretty simple. You place something in there that individuals will wish to share with their friends, families, and acquaintances, something they’ll wish to spread around.
About Your Mail (Viral Email, that is…)
The messages have to be perceived as having value. Crucial or timely info, research or studies are illustrations of content that might be viewed as likely pass-along stuff. Interaction content like quizzes or personality tests are things that do get passed along, as they’re entertaining.
Multimedia experiences get passed along. Rich media e-mail is getting a lot of press of late. Individuals, me included, are forever touting the advantages. Yes, it does require a bit more time and revenue investment but the messages have a excellent appeal and they do get shared with other people…. which is the aim of viral advertising.
Relevant info, research, or studies are all instances of content that might be viewed as possible pass-along stuff. Interaction material like a quiz or test can motivate a recipient to forward an e-mail… particularly if it is fun.
Getting recipients of your viral advertising e-mail to send it on to their acquaintances and colleagues isn’t as difficult as it sounds.
The whole trick is to make them wish to share it and thereby share your ‘ad.’ Viral email can happen when they share your email and they share it with their friends, and they share it with their friends, and so on, and so on, and so on.
Don’t Forget a Good Subject Line
Of course, the first step it to get the email opened – you should have a compelling subject line to get the reader to open the email to begin with! Email Subject Lines: 5 Tips For Crafting Compelling Subjects has some great information on developing subject lines.
Take some time to come up with a good email subject line so the email is opened. Once the email is read, they will want to do two things: 1 – share the email (hence the viral email part) and 2 – click over to your website.
Word of advice: regardless how superb you craft the offer and regardless how great the message, if the buyer visits your web site and has an experience less than what was promised, it will return to bite you. Among the greatest things about the net is that individuals who are interested in a specific subject may come together in one tiny corner of it to share ideas and info and product reviews with each other as a niche community.
Your site has to have excellent content that’s centered directly at these niche markets. Rather than selling to the masses, you sell to the individuals who are thirsty for info and resources concerning their particular interest and are most likely to buy your products or services.
To achieve this, you have to identify yourself as an authority in the field you’re targeting. How does one accomplish that, you might ask.
Well, the way you prove your expertise online is by putting up on your internet site with great original and useful content.
The net delivers pictures, music and video…we all recognize that…but the most effective way to lend information is, always has been and always will be, text.
Consequently, articles are the most beneficial vehicle. If you are a great author, then you have it made…if you aren’t an excellent writer, there’s still a way to accomplish the goal.
In the next post, I’ll address some ways to get content for your site and for your emails.
Funny how we want viral email but don’t want a computer virus! LOL!
Great explanation of the way to do the email thing! Thanks once again for making it easy!
To be honest, I consider it an amazing success when they get opened! Viral seems like a whole other universe. 🙂
If your emails are not getting opened (i.e., you have a low-open rate), check out your subject lines – that could be the issue, Jeanine! Keep in mind that the average open-rate for emails when on a subscription (i.e., someone opt-ing is) is only about 20% – 1 in 5 are opening emails). There are many different factors that affect this.