I read an interesting article about running a home based business (specifically a Travel business) from home. It got me thinking… So I jotted down a few ideas and was thinking of sending this in as a guest post on their site
Now, you may not be in the Travel business, but see how you and your hobby can apply in this situation. You can easily take a hobby and turn it into a business!
If you look around, there are a few popular ideas today floating around in the category of ‘folks that would like some extra income.’ In no particular order, they are
- working from home,
- running a travel business, and,
- blogging on the Internet / having a website.
If you look around, it is easy to tell that the numbers of people who leave their jobs to work for themselves at home is increasing on a regular basis.
And it’s also no secret that the travel industry is among those industries earning really good money! It is no secret that blogging is a blockbuster idea, a new concept that took off at the end of the 1990′s and is still going strong today!
Let’s look at what happens when you combine all three of these big ideas together. They can sure pack a powerful punch! And here are three ways to turn this punch into profits…
1. Working at home, International Vacation and blogging are all easy to do, quick to set up. No excuses. Just set up – and start selling!
There is no huge learning curve with any of these ideas. Sure you have a little learning to do, but in order to get started, it is relatively easy to do.
Since you are reading this , you are already online! There are lots of ways to learn how to blog (you can sign up for my free eCourse over there on the right side of the screen).
The next step is for you to learn about International Vacations and ask how to get started with your own package, even if you go in on one with others in your family or other friends, etc. And voila, you’re up and running!
2. Working at home, International Vacation and blogging are all authentic. Get things started and then start selling, start earning.
Who hasn’t had enough with hype, cheap products and services, and down right junk? Well you get none of that with this powerful trio. With more and more people working from home today than ever before, at-home status is no longer taboo in the business world.
People have earned the right to work from home, even many trusted travel agents and sales representatives who earn a good living online from home posting to their blogs with helpful articles, full color product brochures, multimedia files like movies and more. Add your authentic materials and other info to your blog; add in your own personal testimonials, client testimonials, add some product info, provide a personal bio, include some multi-media files, and you will start to stand out from the crowd, both online as well as offline.
3. Working at home, Coastal Vacation and blogging can all be marketed many ways as one solid package chock-full of benefits to make you more money. Use any number of these ways – – and more – – and start selling, start earning:
- With e-mail marketing. Send out brief e-mail messages to friends, prospects and website visitors with teasers or email sigs (signatures) that link to your blog.
- With autoresponder series and a subscription to your blog. Invite people to subscribe to your blog and to autoresponder messages about your products and services so they’ll learn more and become customers, referring their friends and family, too.
- With surveys, RSS feeds and comments. Invite interaction by submitting your blog’s RSS feeds to RSS directories, and through surveys on your blog. Invite comments on blog posts, too.
So give this powerful trio a try. Working at home, International Vacations and blogging can help you with a powerful option to get ahead today.
Hi again Paul. It sounds like you’ve written a really good guest post. I’ve never written a guest post and also don’t really have much of a desire to do one, but I know it makes sense as far as getting your name out there. I guess I should consider giving it a try. 🙂 Hope you have a great week.
Hi Veronica – Here is a similar post that talks about getting noticed – Get Out There And Get Noticed.
Thanks for stopping by!
Turn a hobby into a business sounds great to me. After all if you do what you love you will never “work” a day in your life. That’s what they say. Thanks for sharing. Great stuff!
Many businesses actually start out that way! Folks have a hobby and then they look to make it a business! 🙂
hey paul, this is a very useful tip. but with so many travelers out there, how to differentiate from others?