This past weekend I was traveling down in Houston, Texas. When I travel, I like to try new things. I like to get a taste of the local culture, the local food, and the local drink. Normally, when I travel alone, I stay away from the chain restaurants and try something different.
Most of the times.
The other day, however, I found a chain that is not around up by me in New Jersey, so I gave it a try.
The restaurant? It was Smashburger. If you have been to one, you know the food is really tasty. You know that the Sweet Potato Fries SmashFries (Sweet potato fries Tossed with rosemary, olive oil and garlic) are heavenly!
The location that I visited in Houston served local beer from the St. Arnold Brewing Company (Texas’ Oldest Craft Brewery) – and I had one called, Santo. It hit the spot! It was good. Really good.
Now, the point of this post is not that I like to travel. Or that I like to drink local brews.
It is, however, that I like to try new things.
And I think you should try new things.
You should be trying new things on your site. And since you are here to get some help with WordPress, I think you should try new plugins. Try a different theme. Try changing things up.
There is value to consistency and being reliable – I am one that has said that many times. I think it is great if you post on a regular basis. I think your followers and readers come to expect a regular schedule.
When technology is constantly evolving, you need to remain agile and not just willing to change, but be ready to change. Case in point – WordPress 3.6 will probably be released in a month. This represents change. You should upgrade when it comes out.
Another thing you need to think about trying would be plugins. Just because your site is built, keep your ears and eyes open for a new plugin that might help you out. I have written about a slew of plugins already on the site – check out the posts on Plugins and see if one could possibly help you out.
If you have been a frequent visitor to the site here, you may notice that the layout and theme has changed. We are updating the style a little bit. Changing things up. Consider if changing your theme would make sense for you. If so, give it a shot!
Keep adapting. Keep changing. Try things out. As my father used to mimic the old 70’s commercial, “Try it, you’ll like it!”
Oh yeah – if you find a good beer that I should try out, let me know! I’ll try it out!
[Newsflash! There IS a Smashburger in NJ! Quite a few! The closest one is less than 20 miles away!].
Although I use Blogspot to blog with, I can relate to your article. A person should not be afraid to try new things. Keeping an open mind is beneficial to both traffic and for your site.
“Try it, you’ll like it!!” I remember the first time I changed my template. I was so afraid to back it up and install the new one (something I never did before) and when I did, it was so amazing. Thanks for a great article. I’m sorry I deleted my WordPress blog now.
Denzil – Just like changing your template, it is never too late to restart a WordPress Blog! It is something that is possible to do. In fact, I can do that for you at no cost. Check out to see if there is an interest. If so, we can schedule some time to chat.