First, I admit it! This is NOTHING like my usual subject lines for an article. But I had to make a point! You see, I am mad as hell and I am NOT going to take it anymore… And neither should you!
I have been going along, making the motions and getting things done. I have been having successes and failing at others. The cycle continues. While it is not bad, it is a cycle. I get up and I do the same things I have always been doing. Some might call it a rut.
What the heck am I settling for? To paraphrase an old boss, “I don’t want to be the best God Damn Gerbil I can be!” – I want more!
It is time to stretch. Time to make things happen. Time to break through the imaginary ceiling I have constructed for myself.
It is already the fourth day of this stretching. And I have been! So far the major changes have included:
- The Ultimate Blog Challenge started October 1st – I am committed be blogging 31 days in October! That’s a lot!
- By the way, how can I stretch even more with the UBC? I am also RUNNING the challenge with Danni Ackerman! It is ours now! That brings a lot of extra work (and fun)!
- I’ve started the 21 Days of being Sugar Free! Not as easy to do when you remember that wine has sugar. Rice breaks down to sugar as does pasta. Same for potatoes and corn. Fruit has sugar. I am going to miss it, but it will be good for me! (can’t wait for Halloween! Just Kidding… (no I am not!))
- I am also putting together a few websites for clients. Ever work with clients? That alone can be a stretch!
- I am missing something right now… Not enough sugar in me to think 馃檪
I want to thank my good friend, Kelly McCausey for making me stretch! She is moving things along for me as well as others through her Stretch Yourself Challenge. It took me these past 4 days to realize that not only do I think it is a fun thing to do, but that I NEED to it.
There is the saying, ‘Put your money where your mouth is” – taking place in the challenge requires a small commitment financially of $147 for a lot of awesome support materials, ideas, tracking, guidance, and to be a member of the community going through this.
Bad News: The price goes up to day almost immediately.
Good News: I stretched and personally asked Kelly if I could let you all get in with a little more notice! She agreed and will run this through the weekend. But you have to use the code, Goforit– use this code to save $50
It is time for you to get mad. Time for you to get what you deserve. Time for you to break through your barriers and do something big. Stretch Yourself. As Nike says, “Just Do It.”
You do not have sign up with Kelly – you can do it all alone and by yourself. I have been doing that for a while and decided to make a difference in what I am doing and signed up. When you get to watch the Opening Ceremony video, you will see that I am a participant.
Come play with us and have an awesome October! Stretch yourself (use the coupon code: Goforit to save $50) and let’s revel in the glory come November!
Hahaha, nice post.
Best of luck for the challenges!!
Thanks, Lance! Are you challenging yourself?
Not really Paul.. But i guess it’s high time i start challenging my abilities!!
I think so! Let’s get cranking! Anything I can help you with? Try out Kelly’s program with me!
Loved your rant and especially loved your personal examples of where you are stretching into your business and improving your life. I am cheering you on while doing the same thing in my life. Rock on!!
Thanks, Minette! It is time to get cracking!
You’re too incredibly talented to play small and put up with the same old same old 馃檪
I’m thrilled to see how you put yourself out there is so many ways – you inspire me!
And you inspire me! Thanks for being you!
Hey Paul! You’re quite ambitious. I love it! I’m getting out of my comfort zone with Kelly this month too.
I did the 21 Day Sugar Detox early this summer and felt really good about it. Then, went back to the same old thing. I’ve been thinking about doing it again because I felt so good. I just have to get up the gumption to do it.
Good luck with all your personal challenges this month! Looking forward to following your progress. 馃檪
馃檪 It ain’t easy for me, that is for sure! Let’s rock this together, shall we?