WordPress is designed to be easy and fun to use. However, we know that is ONLY true if you know what you are doing! What happens when things go wrong, or they do behave as you wanted, or you click something that you weren’t supposed to? Do you get upset, or frustrated, or cranky, or even cry? Well, there is absolutely no need to get upset, – everything is ‘un-doable!’ in WordPress.
Come join Paul’s workshop where you will learn the secrets so you won’t cry (or even get bothered) when the unexpected occurs.
You will discover how to:
- Troubleshoot your situation and recover from just about ANYTHING – imagine the control you would be in if you were invincible?
- Retrieve your password when you forgot your ID and your email that was used to create your WordPress site – without knowing how to do this, you cannot log into your website AT ALL!
- Create a new user without adding it through the User interface – perfect if you are working on someone else’s website and you are not a user yet (Virtual Assistants use this all the time – or they should!)
- Find out what database is being used for a site when there are many sites on an account – This will save you a lot of time searching around.
- And other gems to move you happily through your WordPress experience.
- If time is permitting, your own sticky points might be addressed as well!
Regardless of your circumstances, you will no longer need to cry again for whatever reason when working on your website. Come have fun and even learn something in a session that you find to be one of the best ones at NAMS 10!
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