I just purchased an awesome bundle of information that I want to let you know about. My awesome friend, Kelly McCausey (she is my co-host on our PodCast, Profitable Tech), is having a “retirement sale” right now – No, she is not retiring, but she is moving some products into retirement!
First – it is only $47 for an incredible $209 value. here is my receipt when I bought mine (I cut the invoice # out to protect the innocent (that would be me!) but still show you most of it!):
OK – now that you know the price, let’s get into the meat of it all!
In this package will you get the following 3 amazing course:
2. Smart Podcasting Skills, and,
And, to sweeten Kelly’s deal, I will toss in a bonus as well. You see, I want you to be successful online. I want to see you succeed. When you purchase Kelly’s products via one of the links on this page, I will also give you a free trial month of a new membership to the WordPress Inner Circle Academy (WPICA) where you get answers to your WordPress and online questions! That alone is currently worth $27!
Go check it out! And when you purchase her bundle, send me your email invoice and I will give you access to the WPICA!
this is very informative
Great information and opportunity for the right person. Thanks for sharing!!!
You are welcome, Don.