As a blogger, you probably want more exposure and more readers. Am I right? Have you considered submitting your site to the various blog directories?
Submitting your blog to RSS & blog directories is much easier than submitting a ‘traditional’ sites to website directories. This is because there are free, automatic systems in place that allow you to submit an updated version of your blog to directories. Ain’t automation grand?
One of the really cool things that work with these directories is that you just ‘tell them’ that you posted a new post and they handle the rest. Better yet, WordPress has a build in mechanism to handle this! What could be better??
This automatic system for submitting your blog to RSS & blog directories is known as pinging. You ping your blog at sites like and When you ping your blog, the system will automatically send the latest update from your blog to all of the largest blog directorires – usually on the order of about 40 or so. This means that submitting your blog to RSS & blog directories can actually be as simple as filling in your URL and title – and then hitting submit. The only thing you will want to be careful about is the title you use. You will want to make sure that you use your most targeted keyword in the title you submit, as that will be attached to all of the backlinks you receive from these directories.
Additionally, submitting your blog to RSS & blog directories will get your blog placed on the front page of a number of blog directories. This may generate some quick traffic for you from people who are looking at the latest blogs to be updated.
Once you are finished submitting your blog to RSS & blog directories via ping, you will then want to search out directories that you cannot ping and submit to them individually. You will want to first submit to directories that offer certain perks (i.e., first page listings) or have higher PR – as this will confer higher more PR to your blog. Since you cannot submit to most RSS directories via ping, they will probably make up the bulk of your submissions.
Come back tomorrow and I will provide instructions on how to do this, as well as a list of places you can ping!
Thanks, Paul. This WordPress technical ‘stuff’ is mumbo-jumbo to me… I just follow directions and hope everything works OK!
Thanks for the clear instuction and I’ll wait till tomorrow for the details. 🙂
Question: if you’re using your keywords in the titles, how do make sure all the titles are varied enough? Wouldn’t they all (eventually) seem too repetitive?
Let me know if I ever say something ‘mumbo-jumbo’ and you want it explained in more English! Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks Paul – you’re posts are beautifully explained and clear to understand!
I mean… “YOUR” posts.
Love this! Can’t wait for your next article! Thanks Paul!
It will be here soon! Thanks, Denny!
I definitely want to learn to do this. I’ll be back tomorrow!
Thanks Paul!
Look at that, AJ – it is tomorrow already! Hang tight – It will be posted as soon as I write it 😉
Thanks for the details. I have been submitting post all over and using just Glad to hear there is more places and I could automate. I love automation!!
Automation certainly is nice! It beats having to go to various sites to submit your posts yourself.
Thanks Paul for the great info! I’ll be checking in tomorrow as well!
Stay tuned, Michele!
Ohhh…I have been interested in understanding more about the whole “pinging” thing. I look forward to the read tomorrow!
Thanks for bringing that up, Tamarah! I need to understand that too!
Thanks Paul, I am using pingomatic and ping-fm; I am glad to hear there are more; I am defintely coming back today or tomorrow?
Sorry everyone! I got caught up with a couple things, but the follow-up is now available! Go check out:
Thanks Paul for sharing this valuable information. It is very clear and to the point, exactly how I like it 🙂
Glad it works for you, Solvita!