Do you have the need to create a sticky post? Initially introduced in v2.7 of WordPress, the upgrade to v3.x has changed the implementation a little bit! You no longer need to use a Plugin or do any custom coding in order to have a post stay at the top of the list on your blog. A sticky post or sticky topic is a type of post or topic in an online forum that is “pinned” near the top of the forum index, enhancing its visibility and preventing it from being buried by newer posts. On blogs it refers to a blog entry that remains on the front page while others around it change. (
When you create a post and indicate that you want it to be a Sticky Post, it will always show up as the first post on your blog. By default, WordPress blogs will display posts in reverse chronological order on the blog page with the latest post at the top. Most often, the most recent blog will be displayed first, the next more recent will be second, etc. A Sticky Post, ‘sticks’ to the top of blog. This is good if you want everyone to always see a particular post such as an announcement, a FAQ post, or some other important information.
How to Create a Sticky Post
To start off, write the blog post that you want to make a sticky post. Write as you normally would. When you are ready to publish the post, click on the Edit link under Visibility area in the Publish Module (this is usually on the right side of the Post page.
Clicking on the the link will open up the module to display the checkbox where you indicate you would like to ‘Stick this post to the front page’. Check this box and click on the OK button and you will be all done!
Also remember that a post can be made “sticky” using the “Quick Edit” panel as well. To do this, click the Posts -> Edit link, then click the “Quick Edit” link.
When you create a sticky post, use it sparingly – just like most things, if you over due it, people will start to ignore them.
Very nice…brief and to the point.
It is! And also very useful!
I’m new to WordPress. Thanks this makes it easy! So much to learn….
Glad you found this site! Let me know if you have any questions, Diana!