If you have never written any web content before, it’s time you get used to writing one, because you’ll be probably be writing hundreds of these once you get the hang of it. Don’t be intimidated. In just a couple of steps, you’ll learn the basics in creating an article in no time.
When you publish your articles, you also publish your integrity inside those articles. Articles are the medium people use to establish their online presence and market their information products. With that being said, here are the steps in publishing an article to help you get recognized for your field of expertise:
- Think of that ‘something’ that is commonly asked in your niche. When you have thought of it, write an article that answers it. The article should be more or less 500 words, but it can be appropriately shorter or longer depending on how much there is to say.
- Divide your article into key points. To do this effectively, you have to treat your article content as a list e.g “5 steps,” 7 tips,” “5 reasons,” or some other list format of articles.
- Add the author bio and a concise summary of your company and what you do, and how can you help your readers. The author bio should be about 2 to 3 lines. Include a link at the end of the bio.
- Finesse your article’s title. When writing the article’s title, include simple common words that will easily be found by people searching Google or another search engine.
- Publish the article on your website. Again, make use of keywords when saving the file with a unique name. A simple way to do this is shortening the article’s title, separated by dashes. Don’t forget to choose to copy the article’s title into both the page title and the H1 headline of your article text. When your article has a subhead, it too should contain keywords, and it should be an H2 headline.
- Various pages of your website should contain keyword links to link to the article itself. E.g, you might have a page entitled ‘Articles’, where the title and intro paragraph of each article is shared. You can also make a separate page, where you keep a library of links, or you can put it on your homepage.
Thanks for the relevant tips, Paul.
Cheers / Gaétane
You are very welcome, Gaétane!