This is a WordPress Post from an iPhone! Yup – This post is a demonstration of posting remotely while out and about on the road. I am nowhere near my desktop computer, but I can still updated site.
This post is actually part of a presentation that I will be doing at NAMS in a couple of weeks. I will be demonstrating and teaching how to configure your site to handle posts by email and how to post by Smartphone.
After the Conference, I may turn the presentation into a low price product! Let me know if you are interested in learning this – leave a comment below!
Interesting you should do a post on this subject. The majority of my posts over the past several months have been done via the WordPress App on my iPhone. I have run into a couple of glitches and limitations, but overall, it seems to be well received.
One major glitch I have experienced a couple of times is when I start a post and am interrupted and make the settings change manually to be a draft and save it, when I go back in and update it with the remainder of what I want to include in my post, when I update the settings and upload the post, all the new data gets lost. This frustrated me greatly. My workaround is to set a way in the future scheduled date to publish. It seems to accept those updates just fine.
The other glitch is when uploading photos from the phone, there isn’t a functionality to adjust the size without actually going into the dashboard and opening the post as if you were on your computer. That becomes ponderous and problematic.
Overall, it is a good tool. I found that using it helps me to keep the wordiness and length of my posts at or below the 800 word count, which I understand is a good thing for building readership.
Thanks for stopping Kina (I hope Kina is the proper way to address you – by the way, I love how you ‘got’ your name!)
Remote posting has its challenges. I certainly prefer to post (and manage my site) via a real desktop computer. I do not have any experience with an iPad or tablet, so I only use my small iPhone.
For images, I can select the size that I want to use on the iPhone. This may be because I have a self-hosted site here as opposed to being on as you are.
Again, thanks for stopping by!
Be Well.
Thank you. Kina is the way and thanks for taking the time to find out why.
I only have a laptop and several months ago a number of keys stopped working and using an external keyboard has been tricky at times. Also, due to some of my health issues, I wind up posting in the middle of the night, while in bed when insomnia hits and I can’t turn lights on and disturb others in my small living space.
Your explanation of the difference between your self-hosted site vs my site make sense.
If I could ‘Like’ comments on my site, I would ‘Like’ yours! 馃檪