I want to share an email /forum post that I recently wrote to someone:
If I may point something out (and this is not meant as a criticism of you, but a suggestion to everyone)… This is based on my opinion…
We have been searching for our KeyWords the past couple of weeks in order to get a good domain name, find out niche, etc. It is easy to spend TONS of time researching, searching, and then re-searching (that word looks familiar!) the perfect keywords.
This can be an all encompassing task. Procrastinators and Perfectionists LOVE to do this. They love to get it just perfect. They want to be absolutely certain they have the EXACT words that people want to see.
I personally know someone that has purchased over 1,000 (yes, over a THOUSAND) domain names. Some folks may say that is not too bad, however, he does not have 1 site up. NADA. NOTHING. ZERO. ZILCH!
He is waiting for the perfect domain name.
My advice? Do not get too caught up searching for keywords at infinitum. Get comfortable with what you have (maybe even set a deadline) and then MOVE ON!
My motto is, “Persistence, not Perfection.” You can always modify later.
I hope this helps.
Be Well.
Does this ever happen to you? Do you get caught up in activity thinking that you are making progress, when in fact, you are just doing busy work?
Your site has a lot of parts to it – work towards making incremental improvements and continual progress! Do not get caught up in trying to make everything perfect before getting started!
have you ever found yourself locked up and paralyzed becuase you were chasing perfection? Let a comment and let me know!
Yes I totally agree with you. It is so easy to go in circles doing busy but very important work such as key word research and never get down to the rest of real marketing.
I certainly have been guilty of doing that! Thanks, Pat!
Ah, the old mantra for entrepreneurs…
Amen, Roy! Have you read the book by that title by Michael Masterson? I met him down in Delray Beach and had a great chat with him. He has so much to teach me 馃檪
I relate t this totally when I am getting out of my comfort zone and take action on something new. The loads of information out there on internet marketing are paralyzing. I think that the best strategy I have learned to get out of perfectionism is go for it with or without mistakes, the Universe always rewards us for this! Thanks Paul great post.