Need Therapy? Don’t Write a Blog: Seek Counseling Instead
This is a great tip! I read this in a book I am currently reading. It turns out that almost half of bloggers consider the writing process on their blog to be therapeutic and a form of self-therapy.
Almost a third of all bloggers when they are feeling really stressed, are experiencing high levels of anxiety. In fact, one-third of bloggers who responded to a survey say they write frequently about self-help and self-esteem topics! The writing acts as a release value and lets off steam. Many of these folks should actually seek professional counseling, according to a Digital Marketing Services survey.
Here is something to consider when you are blogging… The internet is not the proper forum to be airing all your grievances, your intimate thoughts, your inner-secrets, nor is it a place to publicly store your thoughts FOREVER.
Honestly, the place to communicate this type of private thoughts that should more appropriately be reserved for therapy. In fact, your writings on your ‘personal blog’ actually may be creating a written business records that must be retained for legal, regulatory, and management reasons!
Here is a great tip from the book, Blog Rules: A Business Guide to Managing Policy, Public Relations, and Legal Issues
by Nancy Flynn – What you write today could one day come back to haunt you, embarrass your loved ones, and damage your employer in the event of a workplace lawsuit or regulatory investigation. If your blog posts or comments are subpoenaed as part of the discovery process, they will be entered into the record—for lawyers, jurors, reporters, your employer, the media, and others to see. Professional counseling, by contrast, is a private matter that will always remain private.
Think before you write.
WOW….I know I have read several blogs that I thought had way too much personal info for me. Had I been a family member, I would be furious. But it seems to be the going thing. Never had thought about the complications this could cause. This was educational.
It is crazy what you read sometimes… Glad you agree, Robin!