Ever feel like you are just yelling and telling to get people to notice you so that you can offer your product or service? Well, one of the most effective tool for creating word of mouth is viral marketing. Viral marketing is a promotional strategy that encourages users to forward your messages to others by clicking on a “Tell-a-Friend” or “Forward-to-a-Friend” link.
Rapid-fire list building depends on learning how to achieve the full potential of permission-based lead generation by harnessing the unlimited power of viral marketing.
A database that automatically captures each prospect’s contact information is the single most powerful marketing tool on the Worldwide Web today. Internet marketing is all about capturing e-mail addresses—the sleekest and most attractive web site in the world is useless if it isn’t building you a list.
A web site is a waste of time and money if it isn’t capturing names and e-mail addresses of visitors. The only goal of a web site or sales page is to convert visitors into customers. Enticing visitors to give your their e-mail addresses—and permission to follow up from time to time—is the most crucial step in the online sales cycle.
Research shows that the majority of customers visit a site four or five times before they buy a product or service. Follow-up is a crucial step in the sales cycle. Getting a visitor to opt-in is what makes the difference between hooking a prospect and losing a lead forever.
How you follow up is what determines whether your leads turn into customers or not. When satisfied customers are so excited about your product or service that they want to tell the world about you, they put the power of viral marketing to work for you.
Sure-fire tactics for creating your own information product
It is certain that you can do what you want to do. The desire to do it is proof that you have within you the power which can do it.
—Wallace D. Wattles
To sum up what we’ve learned so far: The single most powerful way to build a database is by creating your own information products and programs.
Most Internet marketers would rather schedule root canal surgery than think about writing their own information product. Let’s face it: It’s easier to hire a writer to do it for you. And there’s nothing wrong with hiring writers—most of the time.
But if you write just one of your own information products, you’ll be astonished at how it helps you focus more sharply on your customers’ desires. Indeed, you’ll get a sharper focus on every aspect of your business. You’ll get closer to the real concerns and needs of your customers than ever before.
Writing information products stretches your mind by giving you a new perspective on things. When people ask me what I think about something, I sometimes answer, “How can I know what I think about that if I haven’t written it down yet?” The act of putting your ideas in writing is the best way to clarify your thoughts.
The process of writing is what triggers creativity. All successful writers know that you can’t wait for inspiration. Just start writing. One thought will lead to another. Soon you’ll start to make connections between ideas that have no apparent connection at all.
The result is always a fresh view of a topic. You’ll be amazed at what you start to produce when you make a commitment to start. Follow these proven tactics for simplifying and speeding up the writing process. Creating your own information product doesn’t have to be rocket science—and it should never be root canal:
- Don’t worry about spelling and grammar when you write a first draft. Just think about your readers. Content is all that matters at this stage of the writing process. You can always find a friend to proofread your information product when you finish your first draft. Never try to edit what you’ve written until you get it all down.
- Set a deadline and stick to it. An occasional writing project will make you more self-disciplined. When time is so valuable, setting a deadline for completing a new information product will give you a heightened appreciation for the value of every hour and every minute in the day.
- Focus like a laser beam. Try to complete your writing project ahead of schedule. You’ll start to develop time-management skills that spill over into everything you do as an Internet marketer.
- Get it all down before you try to correct your work. Interrupting the process of writing to check and correct things before you complete a first draft is a sure way to take the joy out of writing. As you practice the technique of “freewriting,” you’ll start to write much faster. And the faster you write, the more you’ll enjoy the process of writing.
- Write your first draft as fast as you can. Freewriting lets you keep up with your thought processes. The act of writing is what stimulates creativity and clear thinking. The faster you write, the more closely you’ll be able to pattern your sentences after your thoughts.
- Stop making excuses. We say we don’t have enough time to write; we don’t have enough skill to write; and we don’t have enough stamina and patience to write. These are just excuses for not starting.
When you put these tactics into action, you’ll start to see old topics in a new light. And you’ll become more creative—not only in your writing, but in your way of thinking and acting. When your new skills carry over to the way you work on and in your Internet business—and they will—you’ll be amazed at how you constantly see new ways to innovate and improve your business system.
Most marketers never try to write their own information product. To be remarkable at anything in life, you must feel the fear and do it anyway. That goes for Internet marketing, too.
Once you start to write your own information product, it will be easier than you believed possible. You have the power within you to do it, if you will just believe in yourself enough to give it an honest try.
I actually love writing! What’s hard for me is sticking with it until the end when the end seems quite a ways away. Great encouragement there for those of us who need to need help with sticking to it and following through. 🙂
You are obviously unique in more than one way, Jeanine! Most people do NOT like to write and find it a chore. How to you eat an elephant? One bite at a time… Stick with it and don’t look at the end. Take things bit by bit (or bite by bite) and you will be done before you realize!
The picture of the monkey got me to read this, but what great information included! I enjoy writing once I sit myself down and do it, but it’s always getting that first word down that seems the toughest. And, I have a hard time not editing while writing. Thanks to these tips, I will focus on being more “free” now. Thank you!
Sometimes I think the topic I am writing on can be a little….. bland… But VERY useful and people need to read it!
This is a great example of using an image will draw people in – Tying in the image with the start of the content (“Ever feel like you are yelling…”) is a great technique that you can use. Your images do not have to be literal.
Thanks for stopping by, Shannon!