Ever feel like you want a break from all the things you are doing? Do any of these “reasons” sound familiar?
I had a lot of things I had to do, but just did not want to. After all, I was busy traveling.
I had other things to do.
I was feeling tired.
I had to work.
I had to meet some people.
I had to get up early the next day.
I wanted to watch a movie that was on HBO and I don’t have that at home and I was staying in a hotel.
I had to get ready to pick up the kids.
I need time to think about what I need to do.
I can start it tomorrow.
Do any of these sound familiar? Watch this…
How are your excuses now?
Go build your business.
Go build your site.
“Just Do It.”
Or outsource it and let me do it for you. Just get it done!
No excuses! Good tips.
Go get ’em!
Great commercial, great thoughts. I have a few things to “just do.” Thanks!
I think I seem to have a few things to do as well! Thanks, Melinda.
I guess I’ll get to work now.
Tough not to after watching that, huh?
Believe it or not, I love my work and don’t make excuses. In fact today we went to measure four condos that we planned to measure tomorrow after two installs. Figured we’d get a head start! Now as far as cleaning and de-cluttering, I can think of a few excuses for that! LOL
Hmmmm.. It is interesting that we don’t make excuses for things we want to do!
Paul, this is the first time I’ve laughed out loud at excuse-making. Thanks for a wonderful piece! I shared on FB and LI.
I can take no credit… just passing it along.
The thing I make the most excuses for I don’t have anyone I can think of to outsource to. I wish I did.
Barbara – what are you looking to outsource? Let me know and I will recommend someone for you to try out!
Just Do It. It is usually not as bad once you do it!
We always seem to make it seem worse in our heads as we procrastinate – well, at least *I* do anyway.
yes, i totally need to get more to doing things.. unfortunately, they are things i do need to do myself so no outsourcing (like exercise!!) and working on my new blog is one more… ladyinreadwrites.com
Oh, how I wish I could outsource my exercise! LOL