If you have a website, chances are you are looking to earn some income from it.
Come discover the 5 Simple Steps to getting & earning real money into your PayPal account. We will be demonstrating how you can start making money on your website within a few hours.
Come join us on Tuesday, Aug 6th, 2013 10:00 PM – 11:00 PM EDT. (This should help folks on the West Coast a bit).
I would love to better use wordpress. As a non-techy person this is a needed service. I feel frustrated because it’s an area that I struggle with.
Linda – Welcome! You found the right place! I cover a lot of different areas of experience from the beginner to the intermediate level. If you have any questions, give a yell! Again, Welcome!
Sounds great, but I really am only in the blogging game for fun. 馃檪
Not a problem, Stacy! Everyone needs something to have fun with! You Go, Girl! 馃檪
Thanks for stopping by!