New Year usually means New Goals for many people. For some, it is as ‘simple’ as creating a new website or launching a business. For others, it is a Renaissance of a business.
When you get so focused on your business, you can miss out on the everyday moments that make life special. Usually, this is a techie site with great information on building an online business with WordPress.
Today’s post is more about balance and doing the right thing. When you do the right thing, everything comes together.
The everyday moments are what makes life worth living!
Yes! I heard a great discussion this morning – it was something along the lines that a parent should never use the phrase, “I can’t wait until…” with their children. In context, a parent should never say, “I can’t wait until my child can walk” – that implies that the parent is missing the tender moments of having a baby sleeping on your chest. These are the everyday moments that make life worth living!
Wow! I never thought I would be sharing these kinds of thoughts on a techie blog 🙂
Love this!…”If your dream is stupid get a better dream.” This kid is going places!
He is a riot and a wise sage at a young age!
Oh my gosh… how cute! I love that. Too much, that kid has something special about him. Thanks so much for sharing 😉
It is a great video and his personality adds in hitting the points! Thanks, Carin!
Thanks for sharing! This kid has a lot of wisdom to share.
Absolutely! It is great!