We have completed what feels like the longest first-half of a year EVER! It feels like that for me, at least. How have you been holding up?
With the start of the second half of the year and the start of a new quarter, we once again start up another round of the Ultimate Blog Challenge!
In a time when the world is not sure what is happening, when “normal” isn’t, and everyone is uncertain of what is happening, it is nice to have a little regularity in my life.
Not only do I coordinate and run the challenge, each time it happens (which is once a quarter), I am a participant! Since July has 31 days in it, I am committed to writing 31 times this month as part of the challenge. If I do it consistently, that means that I will be writing once a day and posting here on Digital Maestro. It is easy enough to do as long as I stick to it. It reminds of me the saying,
Plan the Work and then Work the Plan.
You would think that during this time – the pandemic is still happening, social distancing is the rule, and lockdown are still encouraged (don’t worry – this is NOT a political post), you would think it would bee easy to do. However, in my business, I have been busier than ever! My days are longer. The work piles up. My team has a lot to do as well… do finding the time to write can be a challenge.
To deviate from work, and business, and websites…
In a time when businesses are shutting down and the US government is providing assistance like it hasn’t done in decades, I am still planning on a great quarter; it is going to be big for me and my business. We have new products and services that are going to be offered including Done For You Social Media Strategy and posting, More Trainings, More education, and More tips on how to grow your business.
OK – back to the UBC (that is what the cool kids call the Ultimate Blog Challenge!). Although many people fear not knowing what to write about each and every day, an email is sent out with an idea to act as a springboard. Each day you will be provided with a topic to write about. This suggestion is just that – a suggestion. If the idea resonates with you, great! you can use it. Or, if you want, you can go “off-script” and write about anything else you want to write about. In the past, I have ended up with a mix of blog posts – some that follow the suggestion, and some blog posts where I wrote about other topics.
More Traffic. Increase Engagement. Better SEO.
Part of the challenge involves a Facebook group where there is a whole community of folks to help out should you need encouragement, ideas, etc. Plus, you can share your daily post in the group and other people will come to visit your website and leave a comment! This is a great way to get traffic, increase your engagement on your website, and get better SEO overall.
One of the best things about this is that it is free! You do not have to pay anything to join!
If you would like to join and get more traffic to your website, visit the Ultimate Blog Challenge today!
Leave a comment below and let me know if you are going to join or if you are already participating!
You know I’m in! I did a first since the April UBC .. I completed a daily blog challenge in both May and June. Talk about an increase of traffic the more you post! Wait until you see tomorrow’s blog with my stats! Thanks for putting this challenge together, I’m loving it!
That is awesome, Martha! Keep it up!
I am already participating! First timer and I am super excited about this! I am sure I will learn so much as I go!!! Thank you so much for doing this…and for free! What a blessing! (P.S. I also see from your Twitter page I just followed, that you are a Harley Rider! My husband went to school for motorcycle mechanics – HD Late and Early models and spends his time troubleshooting and “putting out fires” for other bike riders across the country. haha! Please always ride safe!!! Thanks again!
Welcome, Tanya! Thanks for stopping by. And yes! I love my bike and practice safety all the time. Full gear for me. I never go out and ride in shorts…. Thanks!