I just read an old yet interesting article over on Yahoo News that talked about ways to be a little bit safer while on the internet. It is no surprise that we constantly hear about Big Corporate websites that are getting broken into, and sensitive data is being viewed and/or taken.
But they should be asked – how safe are you? And just as importantly, how safe is your website?
The article deals mainly with ensuring that your password is a good one. You know… the kind of password that you cannot easily remember. One that is nice and long. It should contain upper and lower-case letters, some numbers, and some crazy symbols. A good example of a ‘strong’ password would be jm0OXGGj8LVv^av – very difficult to guess indeed!
The article goes on to state:
It is absurdly easy to get hacked. All it takes is clicking on one malicious link or attachment. Companies’ computer systems are attacked every day by hackers looking for passwords to sell on auctionlike black market sites where a single password can fetch $20. Hackers regularly exploit tools like John the Ripper, a free password-cracking program that use lists of commonly used passwords from breached sites and can test millions of passwords per second.
Again, to create a safe, strong password, go for 15 characters, mixed case of letters, toss in some numbers and add a couple crazy characters.
But what about your website?? Is that safe?
Do you have a website? It is not as simple as creating a strong password to be safe! Sure, that is needed, but that is one small tiny step. There are many things you need to know:
In fact, you need to:
- Know what the 25 Most Common Passwords so you can AVOID them
- Think like a Hacker so you can prevent them from breaking into your site
- Have a Safe Website that will keep unauthorized people OUT
- Use FREE Plugins to keep out Hackers
- Apply the proper permissions for your files and directories
- Use the BEST User Role when you are posting
Have you ever been hacked? What did you do? What do you do in order to protect your site from hackers?
As if I don’t have enough to worry about. Paul. Thanks for that. Seriously, we all need to be aware of how easy we are to infiltrate. If only the bad guys would use their superpowers for good.
I know you have a good web person to help with your site’s security! You are all set – just make sure you have a strong password. If not, may I suggest you change it to Pau1#I5#Awes0me2022$* 🙂
I agree with Karen. Those hackers have mad computer skills. If only they would use their talent for something constructive…
If only… Thanks, Alice!