Ranking of any website depends on a few different factors. You probably know that it depends on the relevance of the article according to the key words used; the number of times that page has been linked and viewed, etc.
These are quite easy to follow, and if these factors are carefully considered the rankings of your website can increase considerably.
Let’s take a look at the first step (well, not really in any order…) One thing is to get your website linked to from various other pages. The more pages that exist on the web that contain a link back to YOUR website, the better ranking you will receive. When many relevant sites link back to your site, Google will assume that your site is important and rank you higher!
The second aspect to be kept in mind is how often you update the content on your website. I can be frequently heard saying, “You should blog 7 days a week. If you cannot blog 7 times a week, blog 6 times a week. If you cannot blog 6 times a week, blog 5 times… You can see the pattern here!
Why would I say that? What is the impact? Frequently added and updated sites receive higher ranking in search engines than those that have not been updated in a longer time.聽 This is one reason why having a blog on your site (you can label it ‘Articles’, or, ‘News’ if you want).
Inside my chosen niche, I could blog once a month and still be in the top ten in my niche (it is not a well paying niche at all)–sad, but true. My frequency of posting is not generated therefor by need to rank in search engines, but rather due to the fact that I like to blog (I tend to refer to myself as a lunatic with a soapbox).
Being highly specialized, or in a niche without a lot of competition can be a blessing or a curse! Take the path of it being a blessing and work at the montizatino of your site!
Thank you Paul for bringing some clarity to me how my blog is important for my ranking! That inspires me even more to keep writing…
Warm greetings from good old Germany
Germany in the House! 馃檪
Nicole – glad I could help explain! Blogging is a great way to increase organic traffic and to build your expert reputation. Keep in mind, however, blogging along will not earn you any money! You still need to make offers to people!
SEO Ranking is certainly a good reason to blog as often as possible. Great tip Paul.
Being found in the Search Engines is ALWAYS good 馃檪
Make sure when you are writing (and this goes to everyone, not just Julia) that you are writing for your audience and NOT the search engines. You will be much better off!
Nice to see you again, Julia! Thank you for your comment!
Another excellent tip. Thanks!
Thanks Debbie!
Excellent tips here Paul. It’s very important to figure out how many days you are going to blog consistently. Whether it’s 4, 5, 6 times a week it doesn’t matter as long as it’s consistent. Great post!
Thanks, Nate! Consistency is the key! I appreciate you and your comment!
Publish new articles as often as possible is a great way to keep your readers coming back for more. But sometimes it can be difficult to come up with article ideas. It can be better to publish one incredibly valuable article every couple of days than to publish a new article every day. Don’t forget to market each article! E.g. Share it in as many places as possible. My most recent article is dedicated to the importance of sharing your articles. Great tips though!
I agree completely! You are a great example, Timothy! Folks cannot do it all themselves. Hiring a freelance writer like yourself can save a person a lot of time. When a person is not good at writing, is overwhelmed with other tasks from the business (or family, work, community service, etc.), outsourcing content writing is a great way to go!
Great tip, and one of the reasons I love a blog challenge. My problem is that I have two different blogs and it’s hard to keep posting on one while your attention is focused on the other.
Absolutely! Maintaining a website is a lot of work. Having more than one site is even MORE work! (I am good at stating the obviously, huh?)
Seriously, doing everything on your own is not good. See if there is any work that you can delegate out to someone else. You will be glad you did!
Thanks for stopping by, William!
another great tip. i am inspired by your blog and 28-day course. working on converting the blog to own domain name
That is great, Amar! Let me know if you have any questions.